Donations for Charitable Purposes Program

The Donations for Charitable Purposes Program addresses monetary and in-kind donations to individuals, not for profit community groups and organisations in the Camden Local Government Area for up to $1000.

The program is intended to provide a clear and consistent process for the determination of requests for monetary and in-kind donations from Council to individuals, community groups or organisations for charitable purposes. Applications will be accepted anytime throughout the year and runs throughout each financial year.

The program eligibility criteria ensures that monetary or in-kind donation requests to Council are dealt with in a fair and equitable manner and are consistent with the principles of community wellbeing. For any questions relating to this or any other grant program, please call the Community Project Officer - Grants and Women (02) 4645 5106 during business hours or email



Applications will be accepted from individuals, not-for-profit community groups or organisations working or residing within the Camden LGA, or where the donation is to provide benefit to residents of the Camden LGA. The application must demonstrate direct benefit to residents of Camden LGA.

Applications are to be for one-off donations for individuals or per project for organisations. Requests of up to $1000 will be considered on an individual bases by a committee comprising of the Mayor and General Manager, with an assessment and recommendation from Council officers. Applications for recurrent funding, including operating expenses, refundable bonds or insurance will not usually be considered.

Primary and Secondary Schools in the Camden LGA are eligible to apply for the Mayoral Citizenship Prize under this program. This prize consists of a certificate and book prize to one student at each school who is nominated by their school and the prize are awarded at the end of each school year. Please contact Camden Council's Executive Services department on 4645 5157 or email for further information.



Written applications should provide information required to meet the eligibility criteria. The following information needs to be provided:

  • Name and address of the individual, group or organisation applicant;
  • Name and contact details of office bearer, or authorised contact person;
  • Amount requested;
  • Purpose of the donation;
  • Benefit to residents of Camden LGA;
  • Copy of an accepted Authority to Fundraise through the Office of Charities, NSW Department of Gaming and Racing; or for individuals, completion of a Statutory Declaration stating that the funds are to be solely used for charitable purposes or;
  • Relevant incorporation details and copy of incorporation documentation; and
  • Bank account details



To apply for this program, please complete the Donations for Charitable Purposes Form

For more information please contact Camden Council's Community Project Officer, Grants and Women on (02) 4645 5106.