Camden Council Administration building and community facilities reopening
Posted 5 years ago
Camden Council will re-open its Oran Park Administration Building on Monday 15 June with a number of conditions in place.
Council’s Customer Service Hub will be open to the public with the following measures in place to keep the community safe:
- A maximum of 16 people in the Customer Service Hub;
- Customers must sign in upon entry;
- Separate entry and exit doors;
- Plexi-guard screens installed;
- Hand sanitiser and wipes available for customers and staff;
- On-site cleaning undertaken throughout the day;
- Maintain social distancing with signage in place; and
- Customer Service Hub to be cash free.
Council’s Duty Planner will also be available at the front counter, however there will be no JP service. Off-site customer service hubs remain closed.
Council’s community facilities will also re-open for regular hirers only, with no casual bookings to be taken to start with, including:
- Birriwa Reserve Clubroom;
- Birriwa Reserve Community Hall;
- Catherine Field Community Hall;
- Currans Hill Community Hall;
- Gregory Hills Community Centre;
- Harrington Park Community Centre;
- Jack Nash Reserve Clubroom;
- Narellan Child, Family and Community Centre;
- Narellan Library Meeting Rooms;
- Sandown Room;
- Lakeside Room;
- Spring Farm Community Centre; and
- Emerald Hills Community Centre.
To keep our staff and the community safe, the following measures have been put in place:
- Application forms and supporting documents to be received via email only;
- Attendance ratio to be outlined per facility based off square meterage of the facility and applying the 4m x 4m ratio;
- Increased cleaning schedules introduced;
- Staggered hire times introduced to minimise cross over of hirers in common areas;
- Social distancing and personal hygiene signage in place;
- Record keeping and attendance sheets required for each facility; and
- Schedule attendance for classes and training introduced.
For more information regarding Council’s response to COVID-19, visit