Latest news

15 Jun
Community groups receiving funding
Residents are set to benefit with Council committing more than $100,000 to local community groups and sporting organisations at last night’s ordinary meeting.

15 Jun
Future of Camden set with three plans endorsed
Camden is set to become an even better place to live and work in the future, after Council endorsed their Community Strategic Plan at its ordinary meeting last night.
10 Jun
Camden is getting colder as Winterfest is back in town!
It’s time to dust off those skates and winter woollies, as Winterfest Camden makes a return after three long years.

10 Jun
Boots n’ Beats just days away
Get those dancing shoes and cowboy hats ready, with Boots n’ Beats set to transform Camden Town Farm into country music heaven in just over one week.
06 Jun
We’re just so Bookable
Council has rolled out a new sportsground and facility booking software, called Bookable.

03 Jun
Art for sale at inaugural event
Council is proud to throw its support behind local and emerging artists by hosting the first ever Camden Art Sale.

30 May
Get active again with Camden’s Café Connect
Local seniors are invited to engage in Council’s Café Connect program, taking place across the Camden area until December.
26 May
Help shape the future of Camden
Residents are encouraged to help shape the future of their neighbourhoods by having their say on items that are currently on public exhibition.