Latest news

Julia Reserve Youth Precinct

Julia Reserve wins architecture excellence award

Oran Park’s Julia Reserve Youth Precinct has been awarded for its architectural excellence at the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects Awards recently.
Library 3

Camden Council Library Services restrictions eased as Civic Centre re-opens

Camden Council will re-open Camden Civic Centre and the Bicentennial Equestrian Park with a number of limitations in place, as well as easing restrictions at its libraries next week.
local business

Local business support expanding

Local businesses and suppliers will receive preference under Council’s revised purchasing and procurement policy adopted at this week’s ordinary meeting.

Exciting 2020/21 budget adopted

Council has adopted an exciting investment program that will see the delivery of infrastructure, services, projects and initiatives across the fastest growing local government area in Australia.
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Waste truck to help stop the spread of COVID-19

Camden Council is proud to reveal our newest designed waste truck with the all-important messaging on how we can all help stop the spread of COVID-19.
BMX riding

Further grant funding secured for Kirkham Park BMX facility

International BMX riders will soon ride into Camden after Council successfully secured funding of $2.79 million from the NSW Government’s 2019/20 Greater Sydney Sports Facility Fund.
Narellan Urban Forest

Narellan Urban Forest improvements completed

Residents are now able to enjoy Narellan Urban Forest at all hours with Council recently completing upgrade works to the area.
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Mount Annan Leisure Centre re-opening

Camden Council supports the re-opening of Mount Annan Leisure Centre from Monday 22 June with a number of conditions in place.
Wash hands

Free COVID-19 awareness for food service training available

Local food premises can receive support with a free COVID-19 awareness for food service online training course.