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Get involved this Clean Up Australia Day

Mayor of Camden, Cr Theresa Fedeli, is encouraging residents to help keep Camden as picturesque as ever by getting involved in Clean Up Australia Day this Sunday 1 March.

Local young sportspeople acknowledged

Budding local young athletes took centre stage and were acknowledged for being selected into the South West Sydney Academy of Sport (SWSAS) at a special civic ceremony last night.
healthy living

Get fit and healthy at Expo

Living a healthy lifestyle will be made much easier after Camden Council’s Healthy Living Expo at Onslow Oval this Sunday.
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See the future at free movie screening

Residents will be able to see what the future could hold for planet Earth, at Camden Council’s FREE movie screening of 2040.
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Sponsorship applications now open

Not-for-profit organisations and community groups can now seek assistance with local programs or events, with applications for Camden Council’s Community Sponsorship Program now open.
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Celebrate International Women’s Day with Council

Residents are invited to attend the premiere screening of Military Wives at United Cinemas Narellan on Wednesday 12 March, in celebration of International Women’s Day.

Council celebrates HSC High Achievers

More than 300 local students were recognised for their outstanding 2019 High School Certificate (HSC) results at Camden Council’s special civic reception last night (Monday 17 February).

Diversity group helps local youngsters

Youth health initiatives have expanded in Camden, with Council joining Traxside Youth Health Service in offering a LGBTIQA+ Diversity group program.

The region’s first fully accessible public toilet accredited

Curry Reserve Water Play Space is now home to the Macarthur region’s area’s first fully accessible and accredited public toilet and adult change facility.