Calling all Stallholders!

A7R02721 Custom 

Camden Council is home to a range of exciting and engaging events throughout the year that continue to grow and attract more and more people each time they are held.

If you are a part of a relevant business or organisation and would like to be notified when applications for stallholders or activities are being accepted for our events, please fill out the form below to be added to our database. 

All stallholders are required to have current Public & Products (where applicable) liability insurance in the amount of $20 million.

Do you have current Public & Product Liability Insurance?

Applying for a stall or activity at Council events

  • Completion of this form will add your business to our database, and does not act as an application for any of the above events

  • An application form will be distributed for each event.

  • Submission of an application form does not guarantee a space at the event.
  • Successful applicants will be contacted in relation to their submission. 
  • Successful applicants will need to have current public and products (where applicable) liability insurance in the amount of $20 million.

For further information please contact Council's Events Team on 13 22 63 or