Road Infrastructure

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Road infrastructure is lagging behind as development rapidly progresses in key locations across the Camden LGA. Timely government investment in road infrastructure will help deliver housing in the South West Growth Area and address increasing congestion and commute times for residents of South Western Sydney.

Rickard Road, Catherine Field & Leppington

Delivery Time: Unknown
Delivery Budget: $590m

A key road connecting Oran Park to Leppington, Rickard Road, has been identified as a NSW Government Road, to meet the needs of our growing community. There is no confirmed timeline for funding, acquisition or construction. It is essential that Rickard Road is prioritised for delivery by the NSW Government.



Camden Bypass Extension

Delivery Time: Unknown 
Delivery Budget: $150M
Location: Narellan

The $150M upgrade to the Camden Bypass will tackle severe traffic congestion and improve road safety across Camden Bypass, Narellan Road, The Northern Road and Camden Valley Way. This project will improve connectivity for Camden residents, facilitate improved road freight access to the Western Sydney International Airport and support the delivery of the Western Sydney Rapid Bus Project. 

Camden Valley Way Upgrade

Delivery Time: Unknown
Delivery Budget: $350M+
Location: From Narellan Road to Bringelly Road

Upgrade of Camden Valley Way between Bringelly Road and Narellan Road to three lanes each way and the upgrade of the Camden Valley Way and Bringelly Road Intersection to an interchange. Camden Valley Way does not currently have capacity to cope with additional housing, this upgrade will address severe congestion currently experienced by users, improve road safety and reduce travel times, preparing for ongoing housing provision in the region.

Spring Farm Parkway Extension - Stage 2

Delivery Time: Unknown
Delivery Budget: $593.2M total
Location: Spring Farm

This project is essential for establishing a critical east-west transport link in the Macarthur region, and addresses a major infrastructure gap by connecting Wollondilly, Campbelltown and Camden LGAs. The extension was recently identified as a high priority initiative by the Western Sydney Transport Infrastructure Panel and will integrate key corridors including the Hume Motorway, Appin Road, Menangle Road and Camden Bypass into a seamless transport network, reducing congestion, improving travel times for commuters and freight vehicles, and relieving pressure on major roads.

Raby Road

Delivery Time: Unknown
Delivery Budget: $150M
Location: Emerald Hills, Raby

Raby Road is a key east-west link between Camden and Campbelltown LGAs, the Hume Highway and major arterial routes. An upgrade is needed to address existing congestion and connectivity challenges, it is proposed that 2.5-kilometre stretch between Thunderbolt Drive and Emerald Hills Boulevard is upgraded to a four-lane divided sub-arterial road, with improved intersections. This will enhance safety, reduce congestion and improve travel reliability, as well as allow opportunities for active transport by integrating pedestrian and cycleway networks.

Leppington Road Network

Delivery Time: Unknown
Delivery Budget: $500M+
Location: Leppington and surrounds

NSW Government investment in the road network in 
Leppington is essential for residents in both Camden and Liverpool LGAs. The current rural-standard road network lacks basic infrastructure such as lighting, drainage and footpaths which are creating significant challenges for residents in their daily travel, impacting liveability. There is an urgent need for the NSW Government to deliver the state funded roads within Leppington to unlock development opportunities and serve as a catalyst for further growth. Leppington is planned to deliver over 20,000 dwellings by 2041.


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