Owners of livestock are responsible for ensuring their livestock are properly secured and fencing is adequately maintained. Escaped livestock risk being injured or becoming a traffic hazard injuring others.
Livestock includes sheep, cattle, horses, goats, pigs, donkeys and camels.
Impounded Livestock
Council may send an impound notice to the owner of impounded livestock. The notice will outline the applicable fees that must be paid at the Camden Saleyards before the livestock can be reclaimed.
Fees may include the following:
- An impound fee
- Transport costs
- Maintenance charges
- Any applicable veterinary costs.
Location of the Camden Saleyards:
30 Edward Street, CAMDEN NSW 2570
Tel: 02 4655 8736
Unclaimed livestock is sold at public auction after 7 days.
Livestock Trespassing on my Land
Council encourages livestock owners to maintain good fencing to ensure their livestock does not escape.
Be prepared, keep in touch with neighbouring properties and exchange contact details.
If necessary, an occupier of private land may impound any animal that is trespassing on their land.
If you DO NOT know who owns the trespassing livestock:
- Immediately deliver to the livestock pound at Camden Saleyards, or
- Contact council for assistance in finding the livestock owner
If you know who owns the trespassing livestock:
- Immediately deliver to the livestock pound at the Camden Saleyards, or
- Contact the owner of the livestock.
- If the livestock owner has not claimed the animals within 4 days, you can deliver the livestock to the Camden Saleyards
If you keep the livestock on your land before being claimed by the owner, you must make sure the livestock is:
- Provided with adequate food, water and veterinary care
- Kept in a place that is well drained and maintained in a clean condition
- Provided with adequate shade for the climatic conditions
- Kept secure
- Separated from other animals that are diseased or, if the animal is or appears to be diseased, is kept separate from other animals
If the owner of the animal claims the animal, you must do one of the following:
- Release or send the animal to its owner on payment in full of an appropriate charge
- If the animal’s owner declines to pay the appropriate charge—have the animal delivered to the Camden Saleyards
- Release or send the animal to its owner without payment in full of the appropriate charge
If you release or send the animal to its owner without the appropriate charge being paid in full, the owner has seven days to pay you the appropriate charge and any costs you incurred transporting the animal home. If the amount remains unpaid, you may recover the charge and costs from the owner as a civil claim (via Local Court).
What is an ‘Appropriate Charge’?
The appropriate charge is an amount not exceeding:
- The expenses actually incurred in providing the animal with food, water and veterinary care, and
- The cost of rectifying any loss or damage attributable to the trespassing of the animal.
Roaming Livestock in Public Places
Roaming livestock that have escaped from their paddock and have no owners present, can pose a significant safety risk. Especially, if the stock is wandering on or near a public road.
Report roaming livestock:
- On main roads posing an immediate threat ring 000
- During business hours Council's Customer Service team 13 CAMDEN (8.30am-5pm)
- After-hours report to the NSW Police Assistance Line 131 444
Transporting a Trespassing Animal to the Camden Saleyards
If you cannot safely transport the animal to the Camden Saleyards, livestock transport providers can be found in the Yellow Pages.
Location of the Camden Saleyards:
30 Edward Street, CAMDEN NSW 2570
Tel: 02 4655 8736
Unclaimed livestock is sold at public auction after 7 days.