- Written applications will be considered from not-for-profit groups, organisations or individuals seeking to organise an event/activity/service within the Camden LGA that has demonstrable benefit to the wider community.
- Festivals, special events and activities that will enhance and promote community wellbeing, the lifestyle of residents and provide a service to the resident or business community of the Camden LGA.
- Organisations that encourage economic and/or tourism opportunities within the Camden LGA.
Successful applicants must sign and comply with a Sponsorship Agreement, which includes the requirement for:
- Acknowledgement of Council (including logo) equivalent to other similar amount sponsors and/or stated within Council's Sponsorship Agreement;
- The applicant to obtain and comply with all certificates and approvals required by law in order to hold the proposed event;
- Council to have the opportunity to display banners (if deemed appropriate) and as supplied by Council at events.
- Invitation extended to Council representative to be present where applicable.
- Sponsorship is not to vary from the purpose under which it was granted without the written approval of Council.
- A written evaluation to be provided within three (3) months of the conclusion of the event.