Ineligible Applications
The following events or activities will not be considered for funding:
- Fetes (schools may be considered only if costs are incurred to comply with Council regulations for eg: traffic management plan);
- Political events;
- Any event with sponsorship assessed as actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest between Council and the applicant or another sponsoring individual or organisation for such event;
- Any event which is assessed as a risk management cost to Council; and
- Applicants who have received sponsorship from Council will be ineligible for further sponsorship funding if all requirements of the previous sponsorship, including reporting, have not been satisfactorily complied with and finalised.
Additionally, applications that meet the criteria for other Council grants will not be funded.
These grants include:
- Community Small Grants Program
- Special Achievers Program
- Civic Centre Cultural Performance Subsidy
- Emergency Relief Funds
- Donations for Charitable Purposes Program
- Annual Subsidy
For any questions regarding eligibility, please call 13 22 63.