Public Notices and Community Information
Camden Development Control Plan 2019 Amendment to Take Effect on 30 July 2024
On 8 November 2022, Council resolved to endorse an amendment to the Camden Development Control Plan 2019 - Schedule 5 Mater De/Kirkham Rise (DCP). Council also resolved to grant delegation to the General Manager to adopt the DCP, subject to no unresolved submissions being received and upon notification of the Planning Proposal for land located in Cobbitty, including 229 Macquarie Grove Road, Cobbitty.
The amendment makes the following changes to Schedule 5 of the Camden DCP:
- Updates to all figures in the DCP including:
- Site location;
- Site plans for the Kirkham Rise (including Wivenhoe Village) and Mater Dei Precincts;
- Site plan showing the Mater Dei land use sub precincts and character areas;
- Indicative Asset Protection Zone (APZ) plan;
- Conceptual road intersection design to access the site; and
- Plan to show the Public Safety Area for the Camden Airport.
- Updates to S5.2.2 of the Subdivision Design section to guide the subdivision of the Mater Dei site and the various sub precincts including:
- References to new specialist consultant reports that supported the rezoning of the of the site;
- Controls for heritage, environmental conservation and airport operations;
- Controls for bushfire management and the identification of indicative APZ’s to be confirmed at the time of subdivision and the consideration of evacuation; and
- Controls for future access upgrades.
- A new S5.3 section that includes controls for:
- Heritage Conservation;
- Airspace operations;
- Natural areas conservation;
- Reference a previous study considered by Heritage NSW in their submission.
The draft DCP was publicly exhibited for 28 days from 31 October to 28 November 2023 and no unresolved submissions were received.
The General Manager adopted the DCP on 5 July 2024.
In accordance with Division 2, Section 14 and Section 20 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021, the DCP takes effect on 30 July 2024.
Camden Development Control Plan 2019 Amendment to Take Effect on 19 September 2024
On 14 November 2023, Council resolved to endorse an amendment to the Camden Development Control Plan 2019 - Schedule 8 Emerald Hills (DCP). Council also resolved to grant delegation to the General Manager to adopt the DCP, subject to no unresolved submissions being received and upon notification of the Planning Proposal for land located at 3 Emerald Hills Boulevard, Leppington (Lot 96 DP 1203161).
The amendment to Schedule 8 of the Camden DCP updates Section 8.3 (Centre Development Controls) to guide future development on the land, including:
- Controls to minimise the number of driveways and to provide a landscaped entry buffer and key landmark building; and
- Updates to Figure S8-16 to identify the vehicle repair station.
The draft DCP was publicly exhibited for 28 days from 15 April to 14 May 2024 and no unresolved submissions were received.
The General Manager adopted the DCP on 17 September 2024.
In accordance with Division 2, Section 14 and Section 20 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021, the DCP takes effect on 19 September 2024.
Roadworks - Liz Kernohan Drive, Spring Farm from 4 to 15 November 2024
From Monday 4-Friday 15 November 2024, Landcom, TRN Group & Centreline Paving will be completing roadworks from Liz Kernohan Drive, Spring Farm, from 7am to 5pm (Monday – Friday) and 8am to 4pm (Saturday).
The works will include:
- Asphalt repair works; and
- New final wearing course on the westbound lanes between Nicolson Parade and Richardson Road.
Residents should be advised:
- A temporary Road closure of Dewpoint Drive to and from Liz Kernohan Drive will be in place under traffic controllers' direction.
- Access to existing properties will be maintained at all times.
- The proposed works include removing existing pavement from Liz Kernohan Drive.
- New asphalt will be laid in 3 layers along Liz Kernohan Drive.
- During the works, minor traffic delays and increased noise can be expected.
- On street parking in general will not be affected.
- No works will occur on Sundays or public holidays.
- To be alert to involvement of personnel, heavy machinery and materials during this process.
For any inquiries, contact Rodney Rixon on (02) 46 549 900. TRN afterhours Contact Number: 1800 811 360. For information regarding Temporary Road Closure, contact Council at 13 22 63 or email
Ridgeline and Steep Lands DCP Amendment
On 12 November 2024, Council endorsed the Ridgelines and Steep Land Development Control Plan (DCP) Amendment (including post-exhibition amendments), and granted delegation to the General Manager to adopt the amendment into the Camden DCP 2019, Growth Centres DCP and Oran Park DCP. This delegation was granted in accordance with the amended delegations issued by the Secretary of the Department of Planning and Environment on 19 January 2015.
The draft amendment was publicly exhibited for 28 days from 24 June to 22 July 2024. Five public submissions were received, and all matters raised within the submissions have been resolved.
The amendment introduces controls for ridgeline land and steep land into the three DCPs and aims to:
- Maintain, protect and enhance the environmental values of ridgeline land;
- Maintain the social and economic values of ridgeline land;
- Manage and reduce the natural/environmental hazards on ridgeline land;
- Ensure development responds to the natural environment and its visual amenity;
- Ensure the scale, location and height of buildings recedes into the landscape; and
- Ensure the design follows the slope of the land to minimise cut and fill.
The General Manager resolved to adopt the above amendment on 3 December 2024.
In accordance with Division 2, Section 14 and Section 20 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021, the endorsed amendment to the Camden DCP 2019, Camden Growth Centres DCP and Oran Park DCP takes effect from 23 December 2024.