2017 Business Papers and Minutes
The Business Paper Agenda will be uploaded by close of business the Friday prior to the Council Meeting.
Business Paper can also be viewed at the Oran Park Administration Centre as well as Camden and Narellan Libraries. Business Papers are also provided at the Council Meeting.
12 DECEMBER 2017
Business Paper | Attachments, ORD10 Attachment | Minutes
- ORD01 - Two Lot Subdivision, Construction of Two x Two Storey Dwellings, Attached Studio Dwellings and Strata Subdivision of Studio Dwellings - 150 Kavanagh Street Gregory Hills
- ORD02 - Construction of Greenhouses, New Site Access, a Carpark, Office Building, Farm Building
(Packing Shed), Four Rural Workers' Dwellings, Amenities Building, Tree Removal and Associated Site Works and the Provision of Services - 705 Cut Hill Road, Cobbitty - ORD03 - Section 96(2) Modification - Additional Activities, Operating Days and times for an Existing Place of Public Worship - 124 George Road, Leppington
- ORD04 - Construction of a Two Storey Dwelling and Attached Secondary Dwelling - 29 Nicholson Parade, Spring Farm
- ORD05 - Construction of a Two Storey Dwelling and Attached Secondary Dwelling - 20 Kingsley Street, Oran Park
- ORD06 - Construction of an Outbuilding, Driveway Extension, Removal of Trees and Associated Site Works - 146 Ellis Lane, Ellis Lane
- ORD07 - Demolition and Removal Of Structures at the rear, Construction of a Two Storey Commercial Building and Carparking Including Site Works - 76 John Street, Camden
- ORD08 - Amendment to the Emerald Hills Voluntary Planning Agreement and Camden DCP
- ORD09 - Comprehensive LEP Review Phase 1 - Minor Amendments - Exhibition Outcomes
- ORD10 - Draft Greater Sydney Regional Plan and Draft Western City District Plan
- ORD11 - Delegations to the Mayor - Christmas/New Year Period
- ORD12 - PCYC - Camden
- ORD13 - Community Sponsorship Program January to June 2018
- 0RD14 - Notice of Motion - Defibrillator Units at Sporting Fields and Complexes
28 NOVEMBER 2017
Business Paper | Attachments, ORD11 Attachment | Minutes
ORD01 - Demolition,Alterations and Additions to the Existing Camden Vale Milk Buildings for Five New Food Premises and a Function Centre, Provision of Car Parking, Associated Tree Removal, Landscaping, Signage, Site Works and Site Remediation
- ORD02 - Demolition of Existing Structures, Remediation of Contaminated Land, Staged Subdivision to create 40 Residential Lots, Riparian Corridor and Residue Lots and Associated Site Works - 187, 195 & 203 Turner Road, Currans Hill
- ORD03 - Subdivision to Create Two Residential Lots, Construction of Two x Two Storey Dwellings and Associated Site Works - 22 Jamboree Avenue, Leppington
- ORD04 - Subdivision to Create Two Residential Lots, Construction of Two x Two Storey Dwellings and Associated Site Works - 36 Aqueduct Street, Leppington
- ORD05 - Two Lot Subdivision, Construction of Two x Two Storey Dwellings, Attached Studio Dwellings and Strata Subdivision of Studio Dwellings - 150 Kavanagh Street Gregory Hills
- ORD06 - Construction of Greenhouses, New Site Access, a Carpark, Office Building, Farm Building
(Packing Shed), Four Rural Workers' Dwellings, Amenities Building, Tree Removal and Associated Site Works and the Provision of Services - ORD07 - Post Exhibition Report - Turner Road DCP Part B Amendment - The Entertainment Precinct
- ORD08 - Macaria - Alan Baker Art Gallery Structure
- ORD09 - September Review of the 2017/18 Operational Plan (Budget)
- ORD10 - Draft Investment Policy and Investment Monies for September and October 2017
- ORD11 - Draft Future Transport Strategy 2056
- ORD12 - Tender T004/2018 - Argyle Street Streetscape Improvements, Camden - Stage 3 Murray to Oxley Streets
- ORD13 - Tender T005/2018 - Design and Construction of a Pedestrian Bridge and Boardwalk - Boyd Reserve, Currans Hill
- ORD14 - Tender T007/2018 - Macquarie Grove Road Bridge Reinstatement of Bridge Deck Joints
- ORD15 - Tender T006/2018 - Burragorang Road Bridge Reinstatement of Bridge Deck Joints
- ORD16 - Installation of Toilet Block and Shade Structure at the New Playground Located on Burrell Road,
Spring Farm - ORD17 - 2017/2018 Civic Centre Cultural Performance Subsidy
- ORD18 - Closure of the Meeting to the Public
14 NOVEMBER 2017
Business Paper | Attachments | Minutes
Mayoral Minute – Camden Council wins Customer Service Team of the Year Award – 2017 National Local Government Customer Service Awards
- ORD01 - Construction of a Long Day Child Care Centre for 40 Children Aged 0 to 5 Years with Car Parking,Landscaping and Associated Site Works - 37 Danvers Road & 36 Rosecomb Road, Spring Farm
- ORD02 - Construction of a 70 Place Child Care Centre, Signage and Associated Site Works at 2A Reynolds Street, 2 Reynolds Street, 72 Nicholson Parade, 70 Nicholson Parade, Spring Farm
- ORD03 - Construction of 8 Two Storey Dwellings, Strata Subdivision and Associated Site Works - 3 Geraldton Drive, Currans Hill
- ORD04 - Subdivision of Unregistered Lot 483 to create Four Superlots and The Construction Of A Road
- ORD05 - Demolition, Alterations and Additions to the Existing Camden Vale Milk Buildings for Five
New Food Premises and a Function Centre, Provision of Car Parking, Associated Tree Removal, Landscaping, Signage, Site Works And Site Remediation - ORD06 - Post Exhibition Report - Amendment to Camden LEP 2010 to Reflect LGA Boundary Realignment near East Leppington (Willowdale) and Emerald Hills
- ORD07 - Draft Submission - Draft Planning Agreement for Part Maryland Precinct ('Pondicherry')
- ORD08 - Tender T002/2018 - Intersection Upgrade at Camden Valley Way and Macarthur Road, Elderslie
- ORD09 - Notice of Motion - 'Slow Down Move Over' Legislation
24 OCTOBER 2017
Business Paper | Attachments | Minutes
- ORD01 - Annual Financial Statements - Year Ending 30 June 2017
- ORD02 - Result against Budget and Revotes for Year Ending 30 June 2017
- ORD03 - Rates and Charges and Levies Written Off 2016/2017
- ORD04 - Camden Development Control Plan 2011 (Draft Amendment No.21) - Review of Acoustic Amenity Controls
- ORD05 - Response to the Application for a Site Compatibility Certificate at 347 Narellan Road, Currans
Hill - ORD06 - St John's Anglican Church Precinct - Proposed Listing on State Heritage Register
- ORD07 - Local Government NSW Annual Conference 2017
- ORD08 - Proposed Road Naming - New Roads in Cobbitty Release Area
- ORD09 - Proposed Re-Alignment of the Suburb Boundary Between Elderslie and Narellan
- ORD10 - Tender T003/2017 - Plant and Equipment Hire
- ORD11 - Minutes of the 30 August 2017 and 12 October 2017 Business Assurance and Risk Committee Meetings
- ORD12 - Notice of Motion - Synthetic Football Field
10 OCTOBER 2017
Business Paper | Attachments Page 1 - 282 | Attachments Page 282 - 563 | Minutes
- Mayoral Minute - Narellan Sports Hub
Mayoral Minute - Camden Festival
ORD01 - S96 (1A) Modification - Alterations to an Approved Single Storey Dwelling, Swimming Pool and Associated Site Works - 4 Douglas Place, Harrington Park
- ORD02 - New Retaining Wall and Earthworks - 6 Menangle Road, Camden
- ORD03 - Construction of a Long Day Child Care Centre for 40 Children Aged 0 to 5 Years With Car Parking, Landscaping and Associated Site Works - 37 Danvers Road & 36 Rosecomb Road, Spring Farm
- ORD04 - Use of Tenancy 5A, 5B and 6 for the Sale of Fruit and Vegetables, a Delicatessen, Butcher and General Groceries - 1 Gregory Hill Drive, Gledswood Hills
- ORD05 - Planning Proposal - Lot 627 DP 1163903, Currans Hill
- ORD06 - Pecuniary Interest Returns - 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017
- ORD07 - Heritage Advisory Committee - Draft Terms of Reference
- ORD08 - Lease of Road Reserve Adjoining 52 Camden Valley Way, Elderslie
- ORD09 - Tender T003/2018 - Construction of Playground at Queen Street Reserve, Narellan
- ORD10 - Camden Civic Centre Improving Utilisation
- ORD11 - Notice of Motion - Installation of a Toilet Block and Shade Structure at the new Playground Located on Burrell Road, Spring Farm
Business Paper | Attachments | Minutes
- Mayoral Minute - Mount Annan Leisure Centre Expansion and Open Day
- ORD01 - Two Storey Dwelling, Attached Secondary Dwelling and Associated Site Works - 20 Castlemaine Street Harrington Park
- ORD02 - Three Lot Torrens Title Subdivision, Construction of a Single Storey Dwelling, a Two Storey Dwelling and a Two Storey Dwelling with a Detached Garage and Studio Dwelling with Strata Subdivision - 34 The Straight, Oran Park
- ORD03 - Draft Rural Lands Strategy - Exhibition Outcomes
- ORD04 - Acceptance of Better Waste and Recycling Grant Funding 2017-2021
- ORD05 - Petition - Skate Park for Mt Annan or Narellan Vale
- ORD06 - Adoption of Purchasing and Procurement Policy
- ORD07 - Delivery Program Six Month Progress Report (January to June 2017)
- ORD08 - Investment Monies - August 2017
- ORD09 - Roads and Maritime Services 2017/18 Funding - Active Transport, Local Government Road Safety and Safer Roads Programs
- ORD10 - Community Small Grants 2017/2018
- ORD11 - Funding for Grandparents Day from NSW Family and Community Services
- ORD12 - Response to Notice of Motion - Smeaton Grange Industrial Estate
- ORD13 - Response to Notice of Motion - Streaming of Council Meetings
- ORD14 - Notice of Motion of Rescission - ORD03 Construction of a New Farm Building and Retaining Wall, Partial Removal of a Portion of the Existing Stables Complex and Tree Removal - 2 Caernarvon Close & 110 Macquarie Grove Road, Kirkham
- ORD15 - Closure of the Meeting to the Public
Business Paper | Attachments | Minutes
- ORD01 - Subdivision to Create 47 Residential Lots and Two Residue Lots, Construction of Roads, Drainage, Associated Site Works and Landscaping - 645 Cobbitty Road, Cobbitty
- ORD02 - Torrens Title Subdivision to Create Two Lots - 31 Allison Circuit, Oran Park
- ORD03 - Construction of a New Farm Building and Retaining Wall, Partial Removal of a Portion of the Existing Stables Complex and Tree Removal - 2 Caernarvon Close & 110 Macquarie Grove Road, Kirkham
- ORD04 - Temporary use of Camden Bicentennial Equestrian Park for a Bikes & Bulls Event - 66 Cawdor Road, Camden
- ORD05 - Submission to Parliamentary Inquiry on Land Release and Housing Supply In New South Wales
- ORD06 - Options to Reduce Land Use Conflict at Little Street, Camden
- ORD07 - Fraud and Corruption Prevention Policy and Plan
- ORD08 - Enterprise Risk Management Policy
- ORD09 - Refurbishment of Various Parks and Playgrounds
- ORD10 - Biobanking of Gundungurra Reserve (North and South)
- ORD11 - Closure of the Meeting to the Public
22 AUGUST 2017
Business Paper | Attachments | Minutes
- ORD01 - Construction of a Food and Drink Premises with a Drive Thru Facility, Signage and Associated Site Works - 230 Richardson Road, Spring Farm
- ORD02 - Proposed Amendments to Turner Road DCP - Part B Entertainment Precinct and Gledswood Hills VPA
- ORD03 - Planning Proposal - 2 Richardson Road, Narellan
- ORD04 - Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities to the Mayor and Councillors Policy
- ORD05 - Investment Monies - July 2017
- ORD06 - Tenders - T006/2017 Bridge Joint Replacements - Burragorang Road Bridge and T007/2017 Macquarie Grove Road Bridge
- ORD07 - Support for Hockey NSW Regional Challenge
8 AUGUST 2017
Business Paper | Attachments | Minutes
- Mayoral Minute - Mental Health Awareness and Suicide Prevention Awareness Messaging - Council Waste Fleet
- Mayoral Minute - One Year Anniversary at Oran Park
- ORD01 - Alterations and Additions to an Existing Dwelling and use as a Group Home - 58 Valley View Drive, Narellan
- ORD02 - Subdivision to Create Two Residential Lots, Construction of Two Double Storey Dwellings and Associated Site Works - 5 Aqueduct Street, Leppington
- ORD03 - Torrens Title Subdivision and Construction of a Two Storey Dwelling on each Created Lot - 23 Bangor Terrace, Cobbitty
- ORD04 - Planning Proposal - 2 Ironbark Avenue, Camden
- ORD05 - Tender T010/2017 - Accept Tender and the 2017/18 Federal Blackspot Funding For Signalised Intersection Upgrade At Burragorang Road/Cawdor Road, Camden
- ORD06 - Fitness Equipment Replacement for Mount Annan Leisure Centre
- ORD07 - Camden RSL Memorial Garden - Acceptance of Grant Funding
25 JULY 2017
Business Paper | Attachments | Minutes
- ORD01 - Addendum Report - Construction And Operation Of A Mobile Concrete Batching Plant And Associated Site Works - 60 Greendale Road, Bringelly
- ORD02 - Bulk Earthworks, Including Tree Removal - 101B, 101C & 101D Raby Road, Leppington
- ORD03 - Investment Monies - June 2017
- ORD04 - School Crossing Camden South Public School, Belgenny Avenue, Camden South - Information Report
- ORD05 - Tender T011/2017 - Refurbishment Of Macaria Heritage Building To Create An Art Gallery
- ORD06 - Draft Vegetation State Environmental Planning Policy
11 JULY 2017
Business Paper | Attachments | Minutes
- ORD01 - Addendum Report - Construction and Operation of a Mobile Concrete Batching Plant and Associated Site Works - 60 Greendale Road, Bringelly
- ORD02 - Section 82(A) Review - Use of an Existing Farm Building as a Depot Associated with a Construction Company - 238 Cobbitty Road, Cobbitty
- ORD03 - Alterations & Additions to an Existing Dwelling & Use as a Group Home - 58 Valley View Drive, Narellan
- ORD04 - Home Business - Beauty Salon - 10 Peisley Court, Harrington Park
- ORD05 - Twelve Development Applications for the Construction of 12 Two Storey Dwelling and Associated Site Works - 2 Longview Road, Gledswood Hills
- ORD06 - Tender T008/2017 - Provision of Plumbing, Electrical and General Building Maintenance Services
- ORD07 - Minutes to the 17 May 2017 Business Assurance and Risk Committee Meeting
- ORD08 - Closure of the Meeting to the Public
27 JUNE 2017
Business Paper | Attachments | Minutes
- Mayoral Minute - Live and Local and Council's Event Program
- ORD01 - Proposed registered club, ancillary bottle shop, signage and associated site works - 61-73 Rodeo Road, Gregory Hills
- ORD02 - Draft Submission - Review of Complying Development in Greenfield Areas
- ORD03 - Proposal by Mirvac to include land at Menangle into the Greater Macarthur Priority Growth Area
- ORD04 - Adoption of the 2017/18 Integrated Planning and Reporting Package (Including 2017/18 Budget)
- ORD05 - Investment Monies - May 2017
- ORD06 - Petition - Boundary Change to Suburb - Elderslie
- ORD07 - Mother Hubbards' Cupboard - Request to Refund Development Application Fees
13 JUNE 2017
Business Paper | Attachments | Minutes
- ORD01 - Construction of an industrial building and associated site works - 18A Little Street, Camden
- ORD02 - Construction of a two storey dwelling with detached garage - 13 Ascot Drive, Currans Hill
- ORD03 - Construction of a two storey childcare centre, medical centre, indoor swimming pool. neighbourhood shop and associated car parking, site works and landscaping - 34 & 40 Milton Circuit, Oran Park
- ORD04 - Submission - Extension of the existing Oran Park Public School and a new Oran Park High School at 390 South Circuit, Oran Park
- ORD05 - Disability Inclusion Action Plan
- ORD06 - Camden Active Ageing Strategy
- ORD07 - NAIDOC Week Funding
- ORD08 - Create NSW Grant for Western Sydney Making Spaces Initiative
- ORD09 - March Review of the 2016/17 Operational Plan (Budget)
- ORD10 - Investment Monies - April 2017
- ORD11 - Notice of Motion - Greater Macarthur Priority Growth Area
- ORD12 - Notice of Motion - Traffic and Transport in the Camden LGA
- ORD13 - Notice of Motion - Civic Centre
- ORD14 - Notice of Motion - Little Street, Camden
- ORD15 - Notice of Motion - Live Streaming
- ORD16 - Notice of Motion - School Crossing Camden South Public School, Belgenny Avenue, Camden South
- ORD17 - Notice of Motion - St John's Church Heritage Precinct
- ORD18 - Closure of the Meeting to the Public
23 May 2017
Business Paper | Attachments and ORD05 Attachments| Minutes
- Mayoral Minute - High commendation in the category of Playspace above $500,000 for the development of Birriwa Reserve Outdoor Youth Space
- ORD01 - Draft submission on proposed designated development application for poultry farm - 440 Cawdor Road, Cawdor
- ORD02 - Section 82A Review - Erection of single storey shed - 280 Old Hume Highway, Camden South
- ORD03 - Section 96 Modification - Alterations and additions to a part two storey dwelling - 37 Forrest Crescent, Camden
- ORD04 - Use of the rear upper outdoor area as part of the existing restaurant and associated site works at the Whiteman's building - 76-100 Argyle Street, Camden
- ORD05 - Construction and operation of a mobile concrete batching plant and associated site works - 60 Greendale Road Bringelly
- ORD06 - Construction of an industrial building and associated works - 18A Little Street, Camden
- ORD07 - Draft Camden Rural Lands Strategy and Study
- ORD08 - Determination of Councillor Fees - 2017/18 Local Government Remuneration Tribunal
- ORD09 - Investment Monies - March 2017
- ORD10 - Banking Tender
9 May 2017
Business Paper | Attachments | Minutes
- Mayoral Minute - Anzac Day 2017
- Mayoral Minute - Camden Cricket Club Named Cricket Australia's Club Of The Year
- ORD01 - Two storey detached dual occupancy and strata subdivision - 44 Thorpe Circuit, Oran Park
- ORD02 - Torrens title subdivision and construction of a new dwelling and parking on each lot - 23-41 Camden Acres Drive, Elderslie
- ORD03 - Torrens title subdivision to create two lots, construction of two semi-detached dwellings and one detached secondary dwelling - 12 Myall Street, Gregory Hills
- ORD04 - Commercial market garden including the construction of farm buildings, manure stockpile area, water tanks, access and circulation roads, car park, irrigation system, and associated site works at 25 and 85 Camden Valley Way, Elderslie
- ORD05 - Draft Community Strategic Plan 2017/18-2020/21 draft Delivery Program and 2017/18 Draft Operational Plan(Budget)
- ORD06 - Options for Heritage Protection Committee
- ORD07 - Community Sponsorship Program July to December 2017
- ORD08 - Draft Development Infrastructure Bonds Policy
- ORD09 - Closure of the Meeting to the public
11 April 2017
Business Paper | Attachments ORD07 Attachment | Minutes
- Mayoral Minute - Australasian Management Challenge - Camden Council awarded second place
- ORD01 - Demolition of existing structures, remediation of contaminated land, proposed residential subdivision, construction of a permanent stormwater basin, and associated site works - 10 Springs Road, Spring Farm
- ORD02 - Two x two storey dwellings & torrens title subdivision - 18 Hennings Way, Gledswood Hills
- ORD03 - Two storey detached dual occupancy and strata subdivision - 1 Spitzer Street, Gregory Hills
- ORD04 - Multi unit housing development containing 33 units with associated parking, site works and strata subdivision - 277 Old Hume Highway, Camden South
- ORD05 - Draft submission - draft State Environmental Planning Policy for educational establishments and child care facilities and draft State Environmental Planning Policy for infrastructure
- ORD06 - Proposed amendment to Camden LEP 2010 - 40 The Old Oaks Road, Grasmere (Lot 1 DP 1087958)
- ORD07 - Proposed amendment No 15 to Camden LEP 2010 and Camden DCP 2011 - Glenlee
- ORD08 - Community Financial Assistance Policy Review
- ORD09 - Delivery Program Six Month Progress Report (July to December 2016)
- ORD10 - Water play parks and youth play spaces
28 March 2017
Business Paper | Attachments | Minutes
- ORD01 - Demolition of existing structures, remediation of contaminated land, proposed residential subdivision, construction of a permanent stormwater basin, and associated site works - 10 Springs Road, Spring Farm
- ORD02 - Draft South West District Plan and Draft Amendment to plan for Growing Sydney
- ORD03 - Expression of Interest to lease Council property - 85 Richardson Road, Narellan
- ORD04 - Proposed Park Names - Gregory Hills
- ORD05 - Investment Monies - February 2017
- ORD06 - Smeaton Grange Industrial Estate
14 March 2017
Business Paper | Attachments | Minutes
- ORD01 - Draft submission - proposed changes to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979
- ORD02 - Camden Companion Animals Advisory Committee - nominated representatives
- ORD03 - Roads and Maritime Services 2017/18 Funding - Pedestrian Infrastructure Safety around schools program and Catherine Fields Road upgrade
- ORD04 - Tender T004/2017 - Argyle Street, Camden - median works between Elizabeth and Edward Streets
- ORD05 - Notice of Motion - Live streaming Council meetings
28 February 2017
Business Paper | Attachments | Minutes
- ORD01 - Post Exhibition Report - Draft Oran Park DCP - Part A Amendment
- ORD02 - Draft Camden Growth Areas Section 94 Contributions Plan
- ORD03 - Macaria Art Gallery Proposed Corporate Structure
- ORD04 - Proposed Road Naming - Oran Park
- ORD05 - December Review of the 2016/17 Operational Plan (Budget)
- ORD06 - Investment Monies - January 2017
14 February 2017
Business Paper | Attachments | Minutes
- ORD01 - Staged subdivision to create 62 Residential Lots and Associates Site Works - 240 Macarthur Road, Spring Farm
- ORD02 - Torrens Title Subdivision of one Residential Lot into two Residential Lots - 22 Araluen Place, Camden South
- ORD03 - Use of an existing Farm Building as a Depot - 238 Cobbitty Road, Cobbitty
- ORD04 - Draft Submission to Public Exhibition of Proposal to amend The Heritage Curtilage of Gledswood Homestead, 900 Camden Valley Way, Catherine Field
- ORD05 - Delegations to the Mayor - Christmas New Year Period
- ORD06 - Code of Conduct/Statement of Business Ethics
- ORD07 - Pecuniary Interest Returns
- ORD08 - Back to Business Week Funding
- ORD09 - Investment Monies - November 2016
- ORD10 - Investment Monies - December 2016
- ORD11 - Minutes to the 16 November 2016 Business Assurance and Risk Committee Meeting
- ORD12 - Appointment of Independent Members to Business Assurance and Risk Committee