Rabbit Control Program
Throughout Greater Sydney, European rabbits are causing damage to natural bushland and agricultural areas and degrading important habitat for native wildlife. Rabbits have been declared a pest species under the Local Land Services Act 2013 and as a land manager, Council has a responsibility to take reasonable action to control rabbits on our land. Council routinely monitors impacts including European rabbit activity within Council’s high value conservation areas. This data informs site selection for pest management actions.
High value conservation areas include, but are not restricted to:
Bushland corridors at Spring Farm and Gledswood Hills
Harrington Park Forest and John Oxley Reserve (Kirkham)
Bicentennial Equestrian Park and Ferguson’s Land Cricket Facility, Camden
Gundungurra Reserve, Narellan Vale
In March 2025, a biological control agent-RHDV1-K5 (calicivirus) will be used to manage numbers of European rabbits across Greater Sydney as part of a regional pest rabbit control program coordinated by the NSW Government’s Local Land Services. This virus is not harmful to native animals or domestic pets, other than rabbits. Pet rabbits can be vaccinated against this virus. For best protection, pet rabbits should be vaccinated prior to 1 March 2025. The NSW Government has notified all veterinarians in the area.
There are actions that residents can routinely take to help control the numbers of pest rabbits, please:
House domestic rabbits in a secure cage or hutch to prevent their escape;
Desex and vaccinate domestic rabbits against the rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV);
Never release or dump pet rabbits in bushland;
Where appropriate, fence the perimeter of your property to stop rabbits accessing your property;
In some cases, it may be appropriate to place blood and bone around the property boundary as this discourages pest rabbits;
Do not feed pest rabbits or other wildlife (this can also attract vermin and snakes, and may cause animal and human health risks); and
Plant native vegetation to support native animals.
For more information, please refer to the Greater Sydney Regional Strategic Pest Animal Management Plan 2024-2028 or contact Council’s Natural Resources Officers by calling 13 22 63 or email sustainability@camden.nsw.gov.au.