Camden returns to sport
Posted 5 years ago
Camden Council has approved the return to sport for residents immediately, with a number of conditions in place.
Local sportsgrounds are now open for training purposes only, with the following measures in place to keep the community safe:
- Adhere to social distancing (1.5 metres and 4 metres squared per person);
- 40 square metres to be allocated for groups of 10;
- Arrive dressed and ready to train, play sport and leave immediately;
- No gathering before and after sport;
- No mixing of groups;
- Spectators are not permitted. One parent/caregiver is permitted for supervision purposes and if feasible are encouraged to wait in their car/outside venue to avoid gatherings;
- Detailed plans for number of groups permitted to train on fields (per facility) based on schedules for training obtained from the users;
- Only toilets to open, no other facilities will be open to minimise contact;
- Attendance sheets made available to the clubs and associations to ensure contact tracing; and
- All facilities cleaned prior to re-opening.
For more information regarding Council’s response to COVID-19, visit