Camden Youth Strategy endorsed

Posted 23 months ago

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Local young people will receive continued support in the community after Council endorsed the Camden Youth Strategy 2022-26 at last night’s ordinary meeting.

The Camden Youth Strategy, developed in consultation with almost 1,500 local young people, sets Council’s strategic framework for local young people, ensuring high quality and consistent support meets the changing needs of Camden’s growing community.

Mayor of Camden, Cr Therese Fedeli said it is important to support the area’s local young people.

“Council is dedicated to fostering the future of our local young people and the Youth Strategy goes a long way to prioritising the support needed,” Cr Fedeli said.

“Young people aged 12-24 years make up 16.5 per cent of the total Camden population as per the Census 2021, so it’s important we assist them as they go through their formative years by establishing the support and services they need and ensuring they feel heard and valued.

“It was vital to include our local young people in developing this strategy and I am glad to have had close to 1,500 give their feedback on what is most important to them as we work together to support them.”

The Strategy identifies five key priorities, including:

  • Youth mental health and wellbeing – Young People consulted identified mental health and wellbeing as the most important focus area affecting them and other young people within the LGA. They also identified working with schools and creating online social media campaigns and community events as valuable ways to raise awareness about the mental health services available to them.
  • Youth employment and community connection - A range of actions are identified in the Strategy to support youth employment and connections including the delivery of free or subsidised annual skills courses for local young people and the development of an annual comprehensive Youth Week program.
  • Youth voice, empowerment and safety - Young People expressed the desire to have their voices listened to regarding issues that impact their lives and safety. The Strategy identifies actions that support these priorities including ongoing proactive consultation with Young People on issues of importance including Arts and Culture and the development and implementation of a Child Safe Framework for Council.

For more information and to view the Camden Youth Strategy 2022-26, go to

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