Council Director wins prestigious award

Posted 5 years ago


Camden Council’s Director Community Assets, Sandra Kubecka, has been awarded the prestigious Alternative Pathways Award, as part of the 2020 NSW Ministers’ Awards for Women in Local Government.

The award recognises and celebrate the contribution women make to local councils and their communities across NSW.

Ms Kubecka was nominated for her 40-year contribution to Local Government, predominately in male dominated positions, and for her role in promoting gender equality and breaking down gender stereotypes.

Mayor of Camden, Cr Theresa Fedeli, said the recognition was a great reward for a hardworking and dedicated Council staff member.

“I have worked with Ms Kubecka for some time now and believe she delivers exceptional work to the highest standards for the community in a high-pressure Council role,” Cr Fedeli said.

“This is a huge honour for Ms Kubecka after managing various teams across six different local Councils, finding herself in traditionally male-dominated directorates and excelling each and every time.

“Not only has she excelled herself, but she has used her leadership positions to inspire and empower both men and women in the workplace and the community.

“We are very lucky to have such a high calibre person on our executive in Camden. I thank Sandra for her outstanding leadership at Camden Council and congratulate her again on her inspiring achievement.”

Some of the major projects delivered under Sandra’s leadership include:

  • Kirkham BMX & Playing Fields;
  • Narellan Sports Hub;
  • Curry Reserve Water Play Space;
  • Sedgewick Reserve Youth Play Space;
  • Harrington Park Youth Play Space;
  • Upgrade of the Macarthur Road Intersection;
  • Realignment of Richardson and Graham Hill Road Interactions; and
  • Camden Town Centre Streetscape Improvement works.

Ms Kubecka said she was both proud and honoured to receive the NSW Ministers’ Awards for Women in Local Government.

“Camden Council is a wonderful place to work with amazing leaders and teams who strive to provide the best spaces and places for our Community,” Ms Kubecka said.

“Seeing our plans, designs and construction come to life and used by the community is what I am most proud of.”

Ms Kubecka has been employed with Camden Council for six years and has held various positions in the Sport, Community & Recreation and Community Assets divisions.

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