Floating wetlands installed at Harrington Park Lake

Posted 5 years ago


Harrington Park Lake’s water quality is set to improve after floating wetlands were installed at the upstream wetlands last week.

Council secured funding of $20,000 from the Australian Government’s Communities Environment Program to install a floating wetland earlier this year.

Floating wetlands consist of a suspended raft planted with wetland plants. The plants and their roots assist with removal of pollutants including nutrients and also encourage sediments contained in the water to settle out.

Mayor of Camden, Cr Theresa Fedeli said the floating wetlands will have a great benefit to Harrington Park Lake.

“We can expect to see benefits from this project at Harrington Park Lake including the improvement of water quality and the creation of habitat,” Cr Fedeli said.

“Harrington Park Lake has unfortunately experienced blue-green algal blooms as a result of nutrients in the stormwater from local run off and the floating wetlands will help remove some of those nutrients.

“I thank the Federal Government for their funding, and I look forward to sharing the results with the community.”

The improvements come off the back of works to restore nearby Harrington Forest beginning last week, including the removal of weeds to help regenerate native vegetation in the area.

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