Learn about elder abuse at free session

Posted 23 months ago

Council is taking a stance against elder abuse and raising awareness on the silent social issue by hosting a free awareness session for the community this month.

Elder abuse is a growing issue in the community and is related to the abuse, neglect and exploitation of older people including psychological, financial, physical or sexual abuse.

Mayor of Camden, Cr Therese Fedeli, said it was vital local seniors were aware of elder abuse, how to recognise it and what to do about it.

“Council is against any forms of abuse within the community and is committed to supporting residents who are facing any social issues,” Cr Fedeli said.

“Last year there was a 56 per cent increase in the number of elder abuse reports to the Ageing and Disability Helpline, with the highest numbers coming from southwest Sydney.

“Many local seniors would not be aware that they are victims of elder abuse, and the upcoming Awareness Session will assist the community in recognising and taking the necessary steps to protect themselves.

“Our local seniors helped set up what we have in Camden today and they should be respected by everyone. I encourage the Camden community to attend the upcoming workshop to learn about what support is available and to enhance the understanding of how elder abuse impact’s people’s lives.”

The free Elder Abuse Awareness Session will be held on Wednesday 31 August between 10-11.30am at Camden Civic Centre. This session was suggested by the Camden Seniors Reference Group who works with Council to provide community feedback regarding issues for seniors

For more information and to secure your place, go to https://www.trybooking.com/CBHCK


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