Let's Celebrate Children's Book Week with Camden Libraries
Posted 4 years ago in Whats On
Council is celebrating the 75th consecutive year of Children’s Book Week, with an exciting online program of events that will have young residents learning and getting creative!
This year, Book Week is running from Saturday 21 to Friday 27 August, and the theme is ‘Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds’.
Council’s program of online events will include:
- Book reviews promoting some exciting shortlisted books;
- Book trailers;
- Special Storytime sessions for three of the shortlisted books; and
- An opportunity for residents to create an artwork based on this year’s theme.
Mayor of Camden, Cr Therese Fedeli, said Book Week was an exciting annual event that allowed residents, to celebrate books, as well as Australian children’s authors and illustrators.
“We are so lucky to have amazing teachers, librarians, and other wonderful inspirations in our community, so it is a great week to celebrate learning and appreciate these influencers,” Cr Fedeli said.
“Our program allows residents, particularly children and youth up to the age of 18, to learn about the shortlisted books for this year. We also have three special Storytime sessions that will feature books that have been shortlisted for the Book of the Year Award.
“While children are unable to physically go to school, I encourage you to get them involved in the Book Week celebrations and have some fun from your own homes! Reading is an important skill for all ages, so let’s all enjoy together.”
For more information on Children’s Book Week and Council’s program, visit library.camden.nsw.gov.au/events/