Local business support expanding
Posted 5 years ago
Local businesses and suppliers will receive preference under Council’s revised purchasing and procurement policy adopted at this week’s ordinary meeting.
The introduction of both the Local Supplier Marketplace in Vendor Panel and a local supplier initiative in Council’s Purchasing and Procurement Policy will serve to support local business during and after the current economic climate created by COVID-19.
The policy will include:
- Vendor Panel (Local Supplier Marketplace) and Request for Quotes – A system capable of geo-locating local suppliers and their service/product categories;
- Tenders and Local Preference initiatives - providing preference to local suppliers by including a weighting benefit towards suppliers within the Camden LGA. The weighting would be included as part of the assessment criteria for all tenders and request for quotes over $100,000; and
- Small Business Friendly Program (On Time Payment Policy) - applies to businesses with a turnover of less than $2 million. The business must be registered as a small business with Council, with the payment of invoices for small business within 20 days.
Mayor of Camden, Cr Theresa Fedeli, said the policy would be a great benefit to local suppliers well into the future.
“It’s so important to us that we help our local businesses and suppliers as much as possible. That’s what the Camden community and spirit is all about,” Cr Fedeli said.
“Making these changes to the Purchasing and Procurement Policy will enable Council to assist local businesses both during and after the pandemic.
“The Vendor Panel will allow Council to capture data on what local business has to offer so Council can better support local business moving forward.
“I encourage all local businesses to get in touch with Council and register their names into the new system.”