Masterchef royalty to headline TASTE Camden

Posted 21 months ago in Community, Events, Whats On

Julie Goodwin

Masterchef royalty is on its way to Camden with one of Australia’s favourite chefs Julie Goodwin confirmed as TASTE Camden’s celebrity chef.

Australia’s first Masterchef is set to show off her culinary skills with a number of chef demonstrations for the event.

The chef, author, radio and television presenter follows the likes of Miguel Maestre, Ed Halmagyi, Katherine Sabbath and many more celebrity chefs to have graced the stage at TASTE Camden in previous years.

Mayor of Camden, Cr Therese Fedeli, said it was exciting to welcome another Australian renowned talented chef to the area.

“TASTE Camden has always attracted some of the best Australian chefs and this year will not disappoint with the lovely Julie Goodwin to show off her cooking skills,” Cr Fedeli said.

“Together with Ms Goodwin, TASTE Camden will be a hive of activity with great food, wine and music throughout the day at Camden Town Farm and Exeter Street Camden.

“Council takes pride in celebrating our beautiful area and after four floods this year, it is great to be back planning for another event.

“I look forward to spending some time with you all at TASTE Camden.”

TASTE Camden will be held on Sunday 30 October, 12-5pm at Camden Town Farm with up to 50 food stalls, wine tastings and live music throughout the day.

For more information on TASTE Camden, go to


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