Mental health awareness through new live music project

Posted 5 years ago


Camden’s talented youth will bring live music to your device for the next 10 weeks, as part of the Camden Creatives Take the Lead project.

Locals aged between 12 and 24 years will share their personal journeys through their connection to mental health and their music, art or poetry. They will be aired on Council’s Facebook page every Friday, starting this week.

Mayor of Camden, Cr Theresa Fedeli, said it was important to promote mental health awareness while supporting local young talent.

“Music has a great power and to be promoting a music program with such a positive message to support our residents makes me so incredibly proud of Camden’s young people.” Cr Fedeli said.

“I believe Camden is one of the most supportive communities and Council works very hard to support our vulnerable.

“Through this project, brave young people are going to share their personal story and Camden is going to send a message right across the globe that mental health matters.”

Supported by local services Headspace and Traxside, the project will be delivered in three stages over the next 12 months. The project will also include a weekly Sunday night live interview with young people sharing their personal stories.

Tune in to Camden Council’s Facebook this Friday at 7pm to watch the first of our live performances, and again Sunday 7pm to be part of the journey of one of our own.

For further information or to participate in the program visit


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