Plenty more trees to be planted in the Camden area

Posted 19 months ago

Macarthur Park 04475 1

Camden Council has laid out a plan to make Camden greener, by more than doubling the area’s tree coverage.

Council’s draft Urban Forest Strategy 2023, which is on public exhibition, sets an ambitious target to increase the Camden area’s tree canopy from 15 per cent to 40 per cent by 2036.

In order to achieve that target, the Strategy includes an action plan for the increase of the canopy, the management of the urban forest and engagement with the community and stakeholders.

Mayor of Camden, Cr Ashleigh Cagney, said the work towards the tree canopy target had already begun with more than 27,000 trees being planted in the Camden area since 2021.

“We’re one of the fastest growing Local Government Areas in Australia, and so it’s important we act now to ensure we can meet these canopy targets through that growth,” she said.

“Trees are an essential part of our urban areas. They add a sense of charm, help mitigate the Urban Heat Island Effect, improve residents’ health and wellbeing, and help biodiversity flourish.

“There’s lots of work to do and through that hard work, I look forward to seeing Camden’s canopy grow for future generations,” she said.

Earlier this year, Council conducted a community survey on urban forest. It found that 86 per cent of the community strongly agreed there should be more urban forest.

To view the draft Urban Forest Strategy 2023 and have your say, visit

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