Take a pic with Platty in Camden

Posted 4 years ago


Platty is out and about in the Camden area, and she wants to get your attention and appear on social media.

While Greater Sydney remains in lockdown, residents are able to exercise outdoors in groups of 10 or fewer. This has seen residents take to the area’s beautiful walking tracks – and that’s where our famous Camden Platypus comes into play.

Mayor of Camden, Cr Therese Fedeli, said it was a great opportunity for residents to have some fun while on their daily walk.

“We live in such a beautiful, scenic area and there are many fantastic parks and walking tracks to enjoy when you step our for your daily dose of exercise,” Cr Fedeli said.

“Platty will be located at a couple of locations across the Camden area, so if you see her while on your walk, take a photo and share it on social media with the hashtag #camdenlove.

“It is very important for the community to remain safe during this time, so please take your photo quickly and keep moving.

“There are many other great things that our community members are doing during this difficult time, so if you see something, I encourage you to take a quick photo and use the #camdenlove hashtag as well.”

Platty is now at two locations in our area, so look out for her on your daily walk.


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