Who are you going to call?

Posted 4 years ago in Community

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Older people who are feeling isolated during these unprecedented times can stay connected through the Call Connect Camden program.

The program, which was originally developed during the first COVID-19 lockdown in 2020, uses established contact lists to reach out to residents and check in on them. Residents can allocate how frequently they would like to be contacted within a particular time frame.

The service has also been offered to local aged care providers who experience high volumes of calls from seniors who need a social connection. With clients’ permission, additional calls will be forwarded to Council.

Mayor of Camden, Cr Therese Fedeli, said the program was a great way to ensure everyone in the Camden Community can feel a sense of connection, particularly through the current COVID-19 lockdown.

“Lockdown is hard on everyone in one way or another, no doubt about it. But when you have the added layer of living alone or not having many people to communicate with, and being classified as vulnerable, it makes it even harder,” Cr Fedeli said.

“I am so proud of the way our community supports one another and how many people conduct selfless gestures every day.

“If you know anyone who might need a little bit of love and support right now, I encourage you to reach out to them, whether it be online, via phone call or even writing a letter.

“Let's share the Camden Love and get through this together.”

For more information on the Call Connect Camden initiative, contact Council’s Community Project Officer – Seniors on 4645 5020.

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