Latest news


Raising the roof at Mount Annan Leisure Centre

Mount Annan Leisure Centre will see some improvements made over the coming months, with repairs to the pool hall roof set to begin shortly.
Rural Walkway 1

Connecting the Nepean River to Camden

Work to create a continuous riverside recreational network that enhances Camden’s relationship with the Nepean River will begin this month.

Jam-packed few weeks for Seniors Festival

Council’s Seniors Festival program has never looked so robust, boasting a jam-packed February and March for residents aged 55 years and over.
2023 Citizen of the Year Kylee Bentham

A true-blue great Aussie time

Local volunteer responsible for providing more than 800 free meals to those in need has been crowned this year’s Citizen of the Year.
IMG 3426

It’s time to say good riddance to bad rubbish

It’s that time of year again!

Go slow in school zones

With students and staff returning to school this week, Mayor of Camden, Cr Therese Fedeli, is urging drivers to take extra care, slow down around schools and understand the different...

Celebrate global Community Engagement Day and use Your Voice

Residents are encouraged to use their voice to better the Camden area as Council gears up to celebrate global Community Engagement Day this Saturday (28 January).
Kids Workshop Art After School

School’s back at Alan Baker Art Gallery

Set your alarms – the highly-coveted spots in the first term of the Alan Baker Art Gallery Public Program for 2023 are up for grabs tomorrow!
Camden Twilight Markets 2022 by Rhys Cull 2022 10

What will you be doing at #TheLarkinPlaceToBe?

Larkin Place continues to earn the title of #ThePlaceToBe, as its activations for January get underway.