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Let's make art an everyday experience

Residents are invited to help Council develop a creative, unique and innovative approach to public art.
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Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!

Oi – will you be celebrating Australia Day with Camden Council?

Camden War Memorial Pool to re-open

Camden Council is excited to announce Camden War Memorial Pool will officially reopen on Saturday 7 January 2023.
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Camden Christmas Lights Competition winners announced

Camden has decked its streets full of joy, with Council announcing the best Christmas light displays in the area.

Seniors fashion show secured

Local seniors are set to strut down the catwalk, after Council accepted funding to host a Seniors in Style Fashion Show next year.
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Porrende Street upgrade confirmed

Travelling around Narellan Sports Hub will be enhanced after Council accepted a tender for the upgrade of Porrende Street at last night’s ordinary meeting.
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Tender accepted for improvements to Leisure Centre

Mount Annan Leisure Centre will receive further upgrades after Council accepted a tender for remedial works to the facility at last night’s Ordinary Council Meeting.

New off-road bike skills track open to public

Local young people can now enjoy their free time on a brand-new bike skills track developed in Spring Farm.
River Walkway

Have your say on Nepean River Project

Residents are invited to have their say on a future riverside recreational network that will connect the Nepean River to Camden Town Centre.