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Scenic Calendar

Camden’s natural beauty on show in 2022 Scenic Calendar

Enjoy Camden’s beautiful natural scenery while scheduling your next catch up with family and friends with Camden’s 2022 Scenic Calendar now on sale.

Free pool entry to celebrate International Day of People with Disability

Cool off and celebrate International Day of People with Disability as Council offers free pool entry to local individuals with disability and their carers.
A 7D0775

Australia Day Award nominations now open

Do you know someone who goes above and beyond for the Camden community and deserves recognition?
Christmas tree2

Time to light up our Christmas trees Camden

Deck the halls with boughs of holly, find a pear tree for your partridge, get those jingle bells ready – Camden and Oran Park are about to be lit up...

Sustainability tips learnt at popular workshops

Residents have learnt the latest tips and tricks on how to be more sustainable around their homes with almost 100 people enjoying Council’s latest online Sustainability Workshops.
OP Leisure Centre Artists Impression

Development approval for Oran Park Leisure Centre

Residents are a swimming stroke closer to seeing Oran Park Leisure Centre come to fruition, after the Western Sydney Planning panel endorsed Council’s development application for the project last week.

Think twice this Asbestos Awareness Week

Residents are reminded to think twice before renovating their homes during Asbestos Awareness Week, which begins today.
Social Inclusion Gaming

Get involved in Camden’s Social Inclusion Week

Residents can celebrate diversity and get involved in a range of exciting events as part of Council’s Social Inclusion Week online program next week.

Tonnes of waste diverted from landfill with RecycleSmart

Camden has shown its sustainable best in the last six months, with over 4.2 tonnes being diverted from landfill after being collected by RecycleSmart.