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Domestic violence services still available

Camden Council is encouraging residents suffering from domestic violence to seek support with many local services still available to help during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Synthetic football field tender accepted

Camden’s first synthetic football field is a step closer to reality after Council accepted a tender for the construction of the facility this week.

Community reminded to not use local facilities

Residents are reminded local playgrounds, skateparks and outdoor gyms are closed and, therefore, cannot be used.
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Youth Week lives on via social media

Local young people have turned to technology in a quest to keep Camden Youth Week alive, with a range of activities planned through social media.
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Keep in contact with Council

Residents are encouraged to keep in contact with Camden Council, despite the recent closure of face-to-face customer service centres.
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Virtual Easter Hat Parade

Residents can get their kids into the Easter spirit from the comfort of their own home with Camden Council’s first-ever virtual Easter hat parade.
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Camden's 20-year vision set with Local Strategic Planning Statement

 A 20-year planning vision for Camden has been set after Council formally adopted its Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) at its ordinary meeting this week.

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Support local business with #camdenbought campaign

Residents are being encouraged to support local businesses by joining a new social media campaign, championed by Camden Council and Camden Region Economic Taskforce (CRET).
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Connect with your community with a Hey Neighbour card

Residents are being encouraged to stay connected and support one another by leaving a calling card to their neighbours in celebrating Neighbour Day this Sunday 29 March.