Sports Ground Status

There are three (3) options for sports grounds status - open, closed and conditional. Please see the definition of these status below:

  • OPEN: The ground is open for all sports competitions, training and school use.

  • CLOSED: The ground is closed for all sports competitions, training, school and recreational use.

  • CONDITIONAL Seasonal/Annual Hirer: The ground is closed for use unless certain conditions are met. If these conditions are met the seasonal/annual hirer (excluding schools and casual hirers) has the authority to use the ground for training and competitions. A wet weather conditional assessment is required to be completed prior to ground use. Please click here to access the online version. For a printable PDF version, please click here.

  • CONDITIONAL Schools/Casual Hirer: The ground is closed for use unless your booking qualifies as competition games, interschool competitions and state competitions/carnivals. The hirer must meet their own sports/activities safety assessment requirements which allows the sport/activity to go ahead. A wet weather conditional assessment is required to be completed prior to ground use. Please click here to access the online version. For a printable PDF version, please click here.

  • View the full details on sports ground closure process

Current ground status is shown in the table below. The status shown on a Friday or before public holidays is applicable to the current day and the following day/s of the weekend or public holiday. Current ground status can also be obtained by calling Council's Wet Weather Hotline on 02 8250 4153

If an update to the status is required, it will be processed no later than 2pm.

Please note: If council's sports grounds are described as "OPEN", in the event of wet weather it is up to the individual club or association to make a decision on use. In making this decision, consideration should be given to:

  • condition of the field
  • any damage that may be caused; and
  • duty of care to the participants.

In such circumstances, individuals should contact their club or association to confirm whether the club or association has made a decision to use the sports ground.

Next review: As required

Last updated: 14 March 2025

Sporting FieldStatusComments
Belgenny Reserve Open
Birriwa Reserve Open
Brabham Reserve Open
Catherine Field Reserve Managed by Club
Catherine Park Open
Cunningham Park Open
Cut Hill Reserve Open
Cut Hill Reserve - Archery Managed by Club
Doohan Reserve Open
Emerald Hills Reserve Open
Fairfax Reserve Closed Closed for maintenance works
Fergusons Land Cricket Facility Managed by Club
Gardner Oval Open
Harrington Park Reserve Open
Hayter Reserve Managed by Club
Hilder Reserve Closed Closed for maintenance works
Jack Nash Reserve Open
Kirkham Park - Fields 1, 2, 3 & Mod Open
Kirkham Park - Rugby League Complex Managed by Club
Leppington Oval Open
Liquidamber Reserve Open
Narellan Park - Hockey Complex Managed by Club
Narellan Park - Rugby League Complex Open
Narellan Sports Hub - Athletics Facility Open
Narellan Sports Hub - Multipurpose Fields Open
Narellan Sports Hub - Netball courts Managed by Club Check club website or app
Nott Oval Open Synthetic Field
Nugget Beames Reserve Open
Onslow Park Open
Ron Dine Reserve Managed by Club
Rossmore Reserve Open
Rotary Cowpasture Reserve Managed by Club
Wandarrah Reserve Open