South West Growth Area
The South West Growth Area (SWGA) consists of approximately 17,000ha of greenfield land identified by the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) for future urban development. The SWGA currently comprises of 16 precincts across the Camden, Campbelltown and Liverpool Local Government Areas (LGA).
The SWGA is established by the State Environmental Planning Policy (Precincts - Western Parkland City 2021 (WPC Precincts SEPP) that is designed to streamline the land release process for the delivery of new communities, homes, employment areas, health and education facilities, supported through the provision of adequate infrastructure within greenfield areas.
The status of each of these precincts are identified in map and drop down list below:

December 2023 SWGA Precinct Status Map
Camden SWGA Precincts Status
SWGA Precinct
No. of Dwellings (approx.)
Project Lead
Turner Road (Gledswood Hills and Gregory Hills)
Rezoned (2007)
State (DPHI)
Please refer to the Planning Controls page to access the Growth Centres SEPP and Turner Road DCP.
SWGA Precinct
No. of Dwellings (approx.)
Project Lead
Catherine Field (Part) Precinct
Rezoned (2013)
State (DPHI)
Please refer to the Planning Controls page to access the Growth Centres SEPP (Appendix 9) and Camden Growth Precincts DCP (including Schedule 4).
SWGA Precinct
No. of Dwellings (approx.)
Project Lead
Lowes Creek Maryland
Rezoned (16 July 2021)
State (DPHI)
Please refer to the Planning Controls page to access the Growth Centres SEPP.
For further information on the Lowes Creek Maryland rezoning, please refer to DPHIs website.
SWGA Precinct
No. of Dwellings (approx.)
Project Lead
Project Comments
Leppington Town Centre
Under Review |
Council (formerly DPHI) |
Leppington Town Centre is located within the South West Growth Area. The precinct spans over two Local Government Areas (LGAs), Liverpool City Council to the north of Bringelly Road and Camden Council to the South.
The land was originally rezoned for urban development in 2013, with the Western Sydney airport announced in 2014 and the Leppington train station opening in 2015.
DPHI commenced a review of Leppington Town Centre in 2017. The review investigates a new vision for the town centre, with altered land use controls.
In November 2019, DPHI announced a new approach to planning, handing the lead of the review to Camden and Liverpool Councils. Council has since consulted with Leppington landowners and completed a number of technical studies and is preparing a formal report to Council, the next significant milestone in the review.
The Leppington Town Centre Precinct is currently under public exhibition until early February 2024. The finalisation of the draft Planning Proposal and supporting documents is expected to occur some time in 2025.
SWGA Precinct
No. of Dwellings (approx.)
Project Lead
Project Comments
Planning Underway
Council, (formerly DPHI)
The 242ha Pondicherry precinct is planned to accommodate an estimated population of 8,830 people. The residential precinct is proposed to include recreational lakes, a district sized sports facility, K-6 and K-12 schools, integrated neighbourhood and community centre, public open space, riparian corridors and pedestrian footpaths and cycleways.
The first stage of Pondicherry, known as "Tranche 41 (Part Pondicherry)", was rezoned in March 2022.
Information on Pondicherry can also be found on DPHI's Pondicherry precinct webpage. |
SWGA Precinct
No. of Dwellings (approx.)
Project Lead
South Creek West
Sub Precinct 1
Released, not rezoned
South Creek West
Sub Precinct 2
3,500+ |
Released, not rezoned |
Council |
South Creek West
Sub Precinct 3
Unknown |
Released, not rezoned |
Council |
South Creek West
Sub Precinct 4
Unknown |
Released, not rezoned |
Council |
South Creek West
Sub Precinct 5
2,300+ |
Released, not rezoned |
Council |
The largest remaining precinct west of South Creek has been released by DPHI for rezoning. Planning for sub precincts 2 and 5 is currently in the initial investigation stages with landowners and state agencies.
Information on South Creek West can also be found on DPIE's South Creek West precinct webpage.
SWGA Precinct
No. of Dwellings (approx.)
Project Lead
Leppington Stage 1
Rezoned (2015)
State (DPHI)
Please refer to the Planning Controls page to access the Growth Centres SEPP (Appendix 9) and Camden Growth Precincts DCP.
SWGA Precinct
No. of Dwellings (approx.)
Project Lead
Leppington Stages 2 and 5
1,900 (Stage 2)
500 (Stage 5)
Rezoned (16 July 2021)
State (DPHI)
For further information, please refer to rezoning information DPHIs website. Please refer to the Planning Controls page to access the Growth Centres SEPP (Appendix 9) and Camden Growth Precincts DCP.
Due to the rezoning of Leppington Precinct Stages 2 and 5, your land may be identified for future acquisition. This is to enable Council to provide the necessary infrastructure and services for the growing community. Finding out your property needs to be acquired can often be a confusing and challenging time for landowners. The below information is available to assist landowners who are affected by the rezoning in the Leppington Precinct.
SWGA Precinct
No. of Dwellings (approx.)
Project Lead
Leppington Stages 3 and 4
Released, not rezoned
State (DPHI)
SWGA Precinct
No. of Dwellings (approx.)
Project Lead
Catherine Fields
Not Released
SWGA Precinct
No. of Dwellings (approx.)
Project Lead
Catherine Fields North
Not Released
SWGA Precinct
No. of Dwellings (approx.)
Project Lead
Not Released
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