Camden S7.12 Contributions Plan
The Camden S7.12 Contributions Plan was adopted by Council on 20 October 2023.
The primary purpose of this S7.12 Plan is to authorise the requirement for contributions to fund the provision, extension or augmentation of public amenities or public services (or towards recouping the cost of their provision, extension or augmentation).
Frequently Asked Questions
What land does this plan apply to?
This S7.12 plan applies to all land within the Camden Local Government Area.
What development does this plan apply to?
This Plan applies to any residential and non-residential development with a proposed cost of more than $100,000 that is not otherwise subject to a Section 7.11 contribution, authorised by a Section 7.11 contributions plan adopted by Council.
What development is exempt from S7.12 charge?
Council may consider exemption on application for the following types of development:
- A dwelling house on a vacant allotment of land where a Section 7.11 contribution was imposed on that allotment under a development consent
- Repair and/or replacement of development that has been impacted by natural disasters or unpreventable events such as fires, flooding, lightning, hail etc.
- Development triggered by a force majeure event.
- For the sole purpose of affordable housing
- For the sole purpose of the adaptive reuse of an item of environmental heritage
- Public infrastructure provided by or on behalf of State Government or the Council
- Public amenities or public services listed in this plan or another contributions plan prepared under Section 7.13 of the EP&A Act
- Utility undertakings to be carried out by Sydney Water, Endeavour Energy or other water, sewer or energy provider
- Any development excluded from paying a contribution by a Ministerial direction under Section 7.17 –‘Directions by Minister’ of the EP&A Act.
How is the S7.12 Plan calculated?
The total levy amount that is imposed on any individual development is calculated by multiplying the applicable contribution rate in the Table below by the proposed cost of development.
Table: Section 7.12 levy rates
For example:
- An addition to an existing building costing $150,000 would pay a levy of $750 if the capped contribution rates apply and $1,500 if the full contribution rates apply.
- A development of a new residential building costing $400,000 would pay a levy of $4,000 if the capped contribution rates apply and $12,000 if the full contribution rates apply.
Can I pay Section 7.12 contributions by instalment?
Council may accept the deferred or periodic payment of part or all of a monetary contribution required under this plan, however, acceptance of any request is entirely at the discretion of Council. Noting that Council can not defer S7.12 contributions imposed on a Compliance Development Certificate.
Section 4.2 of the plan details Councils policy on deferred payments of S7.12 development contributions.
How do I make payment of developer contributions?
To arrange payment, contact Camden Council customer service on 13 CAMDEN (1322 6336) or via to obtain all the required information and available payment options.