Enjoy an at-home Winter Wonderland with Council’s online program

Posted 4 years ago in Events

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COVID-19 may have put Council’s Winterfest Camden plans on ice, but nothing can keep a good festival down!

Starting from today (Friday 23 July) and running for one week, Council will be taking the much-loved event online.

The fun-filled, at-home Winterfest will see a range of activities, including dress up competitions, winter-inspired recipes, arts and crafts and Winterfest-themed rocks placed around the Camden area to be discovered by residents getting out and about for their daily walks.

All the information on the activities will be uploaded to Council’s Facebook and Instagram pages, as well as Council’s website.

Mayor of Camden, Cr Therese Fedeli, said she was glad the event could go ahead in some capacity.

“It truly is a shame we can’t be together in person to celebrate what would have been a fantastic event,” Cr Fedeli said.

“But I hope with Council’s online activities and initiatives, families and household members are able to have some fun and share the joy that the magical Winter Wonderland brings.

“There will be something for everyone in this program, whether you have young children who are interested in arts and crafts, or if you want to bake a winter-inspired treat.

“This is the second year of an online Winterfest Camden, so we look forward to coming back to an even bigger and better event next year.

“For now, I hope everyone is staying safe, staying at home and sticking to these restrictions. I know it’s been tough for everyone, and we’re missing our friends, family and freedoms, but we must stay strong so we can come out the other side of this.

“I am really looking forward to seeing everyone enjoy the online event and see what terrific creations come out of it!”


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