Investing in Camden
Posted 24 months ago
Camden received a huge boost in local infrastructure funding, with more than $130 million awarded through the NSW Government’s WestInvest program.
This funding will enable Council to deliver 11 transformational infrastructure projects, all of which will provide significant benefits for the community. They include:
- $14 million for the Cut Hill Reserve Sports Field Redevelopment project that will renew 18.5 hectares of public open space to deliver new recreation opportunities;
- $10 million for the Camden Animal Shelter and Community Education Hub project to transform an industrial area into a community-focused shelter;
- $21.3 million to deliver the Scalabrini East – Pat Konista Active Open Space and Community Facilities. This project will deliver essential sports, community, green and open space infrastructure in Leppington;
- $24.7 million to deliver the $113.5 million Scalabrini North – Leppington Town Centre Open Space and Riparian Corridor. This project includes high-quality open space and community infrastructure to support the new strategic town centre of Leppington;
- $4 million to deliver the Camden Community Nursery project which will convert an industrial area into a community nursery to produce local native plants for a wide range of revegetation and restoration projects;
- $14.9 million to deliver the $15.4 million Liz Kernohan Drive Intersection Upgrade with Camden Valley Way and Kirkham Lane project which will upgrade a key intersection to improve traffic congestion and improve road safety for the local community at Elderslie;
- $1.5 million to deliver the $2.9 million Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan project which will include a network of footpaths to complete missing connections to schools, community facilities and shopping centres;
- $7.7 million to deliver the Camden Civic Centre Renewal and Upgrade project will transform the Camden Civic Centre into a facility that fosters and showcases creativity to support local emerging artists;
- $9.7 million to deliver the Narellan Town Centre Improvements project which will provide a network of public art and native and ornamental planting to improve the quality of three public and community spaces within the Narellan town centre;
- $993,430 to deliver the Ultimate Nature Challenge project, which will create a new free destination for those seeking to switch up their fitness to the next level; and
- $23.1 million to deliver the Camden Town Centre Enhancements - John Street Public Domain Upgrade and Activation project which will transform John Street into a creative, community precinct with new community spaces and facilities.
Mayor of Camden, Cr Therese Fedeli, said this funding was additional to the $24 million already allocated in October 2022.
“We received $14 million for the Cut Hill Reserve Sports Field Redevelopment project that will renew 18.5 hectares of public open space to deliver new recreation opportunities. We also received $10 million for the Camden Animal Shelter and Community Education Hub project to transform an industrial area into a community-focused shelter,” Cr Fedeli said.
“We continue to be incredibly grateful the NSW Government is supporting us in delivering such key facilities and spaces.
“We’re one of the fastest growing local government areas in the country, which is why it’s vital we undertake these sorts of game-changing projects and improvements. We want to ensure Camden continues to be an area that people want to live, work and play in.”
For more information on the projects being delivered across Camden, visit