Small Business help on the way

Posted 21 months ago in Community, Whats On

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Connecting is the best way towards success in the business world and Council is lending a hand with its Small Business Month in November.

The Small Business Month program will run through November, giving local small business owners and employees the opportunity to grow, nurture existing relationships and connect with others.

The program has a range of sessions to help local businesses, including:

  • Apprenticeship and Traineeship Information Evening, Tuesday 1 November at Julia Reserve Community Centre;
  • 5 to 9 Networking Event, Wednesday 16 November at Alan Baker Art Gallery in Camden;
  • Disaster Preparedness Workshop, Wednesday 23 November at Camden Civic Centre
  • Art in Business – Cultural Activation Group promoting art in Camden Town Centre through the entire month of November;
  • Creative Collab inviting creatives to join a social media workshop on how to promote your online profile, Thursday 17 November at Camden Civic Centre; and
  • Business Census to help Council understand the areas of support required for local businesses, starting on Tuesday 1 November at;

Mayor of Camden, Cr Therese Fedeli, said local businesses were in for a treat in the coming month.

“Being a business owner myself, I know how important it is to know where to go when I need assistance and our local small businesses have a great opportunity to learn and grow their business with the upcoming Small Business Month program,” Cr Fedeli said.

“The program aims to give local small business owners and staff the opportunity to enhance their business’ community profile, nurture existing relationships, connect with other businesses and potential customers and learn and acquire new skills and ideas to strengthen their business position.

“I encourage local business owners and employees to check out the program and secure their place in their preferred session as they work on what they need to grow and improve their business.”

The November program is the second Small Business Month to be celebrated in the Camden area this year, following a successful series of events in March 2022.

For more information and to secure your place, go to Small Business Month - November 2022 » Camden Council (

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