Keeping of Fowl and Poultry
Keeping chickens and fowl is permitted for some properties within the Camden Local Government Area.
You may have chickens and fowl in compliance with the State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Comply Code) 2008 - (SEPP) and the Local Government Act 1993. The SEPP requirements can be found at Part 2 Exemption Codes, Subdivision 21 – Fowl and Poultry. These codes generally include:
Not constructed or installed on or in a heritage item or a draft heritage item
- No more than five fowl or poultry animals and no roosters
- Only one fowl/poultry house
- Located in the rear yard
- Located at least three metres from each boundary lot
- Fowls or guinea fowls must not be kept within 4.5 metres of a dwelling, public hall, school or premises used for the manufacture, preparation, sale or storage of food (other types of poultry require greater distances); and
- Enclosed areas to prevent the escape of poultry.
Keeping of Roosters
Always consider the impact of a rooster on your neighbours especially noise, hygiene and roaming.
If a rooster is causing a nuisance or is kept within certain land use zonings, council may order its removal.
For more information on the requirements for keeping chickens, fowl or roosters, contact Council's Environment and Health team by phone or via email.