Nepean River Trail, Camden

Nepean River Aerial For Website2

The Nepean River Trail is a 4.2-kilometre walking trail along picturesque landscapes, scenic waterways and public art. The trail links to walking trails though Camden Town Farm, Ferguson Land Cricket Facility and other walking trails, and forms an important extension to the overall trail network

The Trail, an initiative of Camden Council, enhances public spaces along the Nepean River, and was made possible with $5.1million of funding secured through the NSW Government Public Spaces Legacy Program.

Along the trail, Camden also welcomes its first Public Art Trail. Visitors will be delighted by artworks from local artists, including Jane Cavanough, Kevin Vo, Graham Chalcroft, Mark McClelland, Cathy Drew and Peter Day.

View the full map of the Nepean River Trail including accessibility here.

Nepean RIverIncluded in the Nepean River Trail are:

  • A 4.2-kilometre walking trail extension that connects the Nepean River to Camden's main street via the Camden Town Farm, Ferguson Land and the Bicentennial Equestrian Park;
  • Viewing platforms to the Nepean River;
  • Camden's first official public art trail;
  • Exercise equipment;
  • Historical and environmental interpretive signage;
  • Water stations;
  • Landscaping including tree planting; and
  • Park furniture and wayfinding.

The NSW Public Spaces Legacy Program

In May 2021, Council received notice of its successful application to the Public Spaces Legacy Program (PSLP).

The $5.1m that was obtained from the NSW Department of Planning and Environment to deliver a project which enhanced Camden’s connection with the Nepean River by creating a public walk to extend the existing Miss Llewella Davies Pioneer Walkway at the Camden Town Farm and connect with a new walkway at Fergusons Reserve Cricket Facility and existing walks at the Camden Bicentennial Equestrian Park and Camden Town Centre.

All costs associated with the project were covered by the NSW Government grant.

The public art and heritage interpretation components were subject to additional specific consultation as further information on these items was developed.

Further details can be found at the following links: