Community Recycling Centre (CRC)

Due to a fire at the Cleanaway waste processing facility in St Marys (NSW EPA's collections contractor), Camden Council's Community Recycling Centre is currently NOT accepting the following items:
• Motor Oils
• Aerosols / Spray Cans
We are working closely with the NSW EPA and their collection contractor to assess the situation and minimise any disruptions. In the interim, please store any motor oils or aerosols in a cool, dry place, away from pets and children, until services resume.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused and thank you for understanding. We will update this page once these items can be accepted again.

The Community Recycling Centre (CRC) provides residents with a free and convenient way to drop off their household problem waste for recycling including cardboard and polystyrene.

Residents are able to drop off the following items free of charge:

 crc paint lg crc gas bottle lg  crc fire extinguisher lg 1  crc fluoro globe lg  crc smoke detector lg  crc xrays lg
Paint  Gas bottles  Fire extinguisher  Fluoro globes  Smoke detectors Xrays
crc aerosol lg crc motor oil lg 2 crc other oils lg crc household batteries lg crc car battery lg crc mobile phone lg
Aerosols Motor oil Other oils Household batteries Car batteries Mobile phones

Nb. Only household quantities of up to 20 litres or 20 kilograms of any one item will be accepted.


Community Recycling Centre location:

Council’s Depot, 5 Millwood Avenue, Narellan

Opening hours: 

Saturday and Sunday, 9am-2pm

Plan your visit to the CRC

The CRC is free and easy to use. Plan your visit to ensure it goes as smoothly as possible: 

  • Sort waste items into different types and place safely in the boot of your car. 
  • Ensure items are secure and won't move around while you are driving.
  • Quantities of materials to be dropped off must be domestic quantities only ie only household quantities of up to 20 litres or 20kg of any one item will be accepted.

Unaccepted items at the CRC

  • Pool chemicals
  • Garden chemicals
  • Household chemicals
  • Fuels
  • Poisons

However, these items are accepted for FREE at Household Chemical CleanOut events.


Community Recycling Stations

Drop off your smaller problem waste into our recycling stations located at:

  • Council Administration Building - 70 Central Ave, Oran Park
  • Camden Library - 40 John St, Camden
  • Narellan Library - Cnr Queen & Elyard Sts, Narellan

To remove data from your mobile phone, visit

Community Recycling Station snip

For more information, contact Council's Customer Relations on 13 22 63. Alternatively visit EPA's Community Recycling Centres.

This is a NSW EPA Waste Less, Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy. For more information, visit the NSW Environment Protection Authority.