City Presentation

Council’s City Presentation Team operate seven [7] days a week to keep our public places clean and safe by:


Sweeping of Streets & Carparks

Council uses mechanical street sweepers to sweep main roads, residential streets, and carparks.

Over a year, Council sweeps about 4,664 kilometres along our local streets. Street sweeping helps to collect and remove over 360 tonnes of rubbish and litter from our streets each year.


Sweeping & Cleaning Footpaths

A small mechanical sweeper sweeps footpaths in shopping strips every day of the week.


Emptying & Cleaning Street and Park Bins

Council empties more than 990 street bins in Camden LGA every weekday. Litter bins are serviced seven [7] days a week. 


Pressure Cleaning of Hard Surfaces

Cleaning of hard surfaces ie footpaths using a high-pressure hot water system to maintain public hygiene and pedestrian safety.


Cleaning Street & Park Furniture

Cleaning of street furniture and bin enclosures using a high-pressure hot water system.


Picking up Litter

Loose litter pick up and roadside litter collection from public land ie parks, carparks, road verge, median strip, rain gardens.


Removing Illegal Dumping

Illegal dumping collected from public land ie parks, road verge.


Collecting Deceased Animals

Deceased animals collected from public land ie road verge.

These services ensure the maintenance and safety of various priority areas throughout the area including central business districts (CBDs), parks and facilities, industrial and residential areas.

City presentation services operate seven [7] days a week

  Weekdays Weekends
Street Sweeping 4am - 1pm 4am - 9am
All Other Services 4am - 4pm 4am - 9am

Here's how you can help keep your neighbourhood clean & safe:

Bring the bins in

Bring bins in on the same day they are emptied. Bins must be stored on your property between collections, not on the footpath or street. Bins left out on the street or footpath can create safety hazards for pedestrians and drivers. They are also more likely to be damaged, stolen or lost.

Book a clean up for your unwanted household items

Unwanted household items too big or bulky for the weekly waste collection left out in a public place eg on the kerb or near a street or park bin may be considered as illegal dumping. Not only is it unsightly, potentially harmful to the community and the environment, it’s also expensive to remove.

If you have unwanted household items, consider donating them to charity or to an appropriate recycler. Otherwise, book a kerbside clean up with Council available to all residential properties of the Camden LGA, including rentals.

Put your rubbish and recycling in the right bins

Litter collection is one way Council keeps our neighbourhoods clean and safe, but litter can be prevented in the first place. You can:

  • put your rubbish in a bin
  • take your rubbish with you if no bin is available
  • keep a bag in your car to collect rubbish
  • put your cigarette butt in a butt bin, or an ordinary litter bin when extinguished
  • keep a container in your car to collect cigarette butts
  • buy less packaging and use reusable containers

You can also report littering from a vehicle to the NSW EPA.

Report an overflowing park or street bin to Council or contact Council on 13 22 63.

Return shopping trolleys

Abandoned shopping trolleys can obstruct roads or footpaths or end up in our waterways. You can report the number and location of abandoned shopping trolleys using the contact numbers below:

Trolley Branding




13 25 34

Report ALDI's Lost Trolleys or Catalogues

Coles, Kmart

1800 TROLLEY (1800 876 553)

Coles Customer Care Service

Woolworths, BigW, Dan Murphy’s

1800 641 497

Trolley Tracker


1800 163 900


Reported trolleys will be collected by the appropriate collection team on their next scheduled street run.

Alternatively, if the trolley belongs to a nearby store, you can contact them directly.

Bin your gum

Wherever chewing gum is dropped on the ground, it sticks. It doesn't easily break down over time and is very difficult and expensive to remove. As gum builds up it makes our footpaths and streets look unsightly.

Keep our footpaths and streets free of chewing gum – dispose of your gum into street or park bins provided.

Bin your butts

Cigarette butts might be small but are considered the most littered item ie 1 butt in every 5 littered items. They can be dangerous, particularly in bushfire season. When a butt is dropped onto soil or in water, it quickly starts to leach out chemicals harmful to aquatic life. They can also be mistaken for food by fish, birds and turtles.

Keep our parks, streets and waterways clean and bin your butt, or carry a pocket ashtray with you.

Safely dispose of syringes and other sharps

Sharps, such as needles, syringes and lancets can be used by community members outside a clinical setting to help manage a range of medical conditions including allergies, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, infertility and blood disorders.  Used needles and other sharps need to be treated as clinical waste and disposed of safely to prevent injuries or spread infections.

To safely dispose of your sharps, place in a sharps container or a puncture-resistant plastic container with a screw top, sharp-end down, and take to your local chemist participating in Council’s FREE sharps disposal service. Residents can collect a personal sharps collection container from Council’s Customer Relations.

If you see a syringe in a public area, please contact Council so that it can be safely removed.

Council has a number of sharps bins installed in community centres, libraries, parks and public toilets for the safe and convenient disposal of sharps.

Visit ie the ‘safe sharps’ map to find a safe disposal location.

Pick up your dog's poo

Dog poo left on the nature strip or in the park stinks, is unsightly and awful to step in! Dog poo may contain harmful bacteria which can wash into our stormwater drains and local waterways.

Dog owners are required by law to clean up after their dog. Forgetting to bring dog tidy bags is no excuse! Council provides FREE dog tidy bags at local parks and leash free areas. Dog tidy bags are also available for FREE at Council’s Customer Relations.

Avoid junk mail

Advertising material or ‘junk mail’ can contribute about 1000 items of unwanted material in your letterbox each year.

A 'No Junk Mail' sticker on your letterbox can help reduce the amount of paper (and also water and energy) used to print catalogues. You’ll also be helping to reduce unsightly litter.  

These stickers are available free of charge from the Distribution Standards Board. Call 1800 676 136 for more information.

You can also register on the Association for Data-driven Marketing and Advertising (ADMA’s) Do Not Mail service which will limit the amount of unsolicited (but addressed) advertising mail you receive.  

Avoid street advertising

Putting up advertising and posters on street poles or traffic signs can make our neighbourhoods look unsightly. It’s also illegal.

For promoting your garage sale:

Consider online marketplaces such as gumtree, Facebook marketplace, freecycle, trading post.

Donate to local charity organisations

Charity organisations are a great way for the community to conveniently donate their unwanted wearable clothing and accessories. Most of the charity bins in the Camden area are located on private property, often of the charity organisation to deter the illegal dumping of unwearable clothing but also unwanted and broken household items in and around the charity bins. There are no approved charity bins on public or Council owned land.

Visit to find your nearest charity bin.

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