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Parking is available throughout Camden including mobility, time-restricted and unrestricted parking options. Always check signage for time limits and any other restrictions.
Parking in town centres such as Camden, Narellan and Oran Park is time-restricted to support our local businesses by providing parking turnover to create convenient short-term parking for their customers.
Commuter Parking
Leppington Train Station provides an important public transport link for Camden residents and those from nearby areas. It can be a busy area and it is important to ensure that parking is done safely, considerately and legally. The best parking option available is the FREE Park & Ride car park at Leppington Train Station located off Rickard Road.
You can find out more about Transport NSW Park & Ride by clicking here
Heavy Vehicle Parking
Large trucks and truck trailers do not mix with residential areas. They can limit sight lines and are very noisy when starting up in the early hours.
In a built-up area, heavy vehicles and/or long vehicles must not stop on a length of road for longer than one hour (buses excepted).
Heavy vehicle means a vehicle with a gross vehicle mass (GVM) of 4500 kilograms or more.
Long vehicle means vehicles with a combined length of 7.5 metres or longer.
Council does provide heavy and long vehicle parking areas to assist drivers in parking their vehicles safely and without causing a nuisance to residents.
The heavy vehicle parking areas are located on:
- Sedgwick Road between Smeaton Grange Road and Hartley Street, Smeaton Grange; and
- Smeaton Grange Road between Camden Valley Way and Anzac Avenue, Smeaton Grange.
If you see a heavy or long vehicle parked in a residential area, contact Council's Customer Service Team at 13 22 63 or online.
For more information on how Council responds to regulatory matters, refer to Council's Environment & Regulatory Services Enforcement Policy.
Off-street parking areas
Camden has a mixture of privately owned and free Council car parks, check car park signage for parking restrictions.
Free Council car parks include:
- Murray Street car park, 63B John Street Camden
- Oxley Street car park, 31 Oxley Street Camden
- Civic Centre multi-storey car park, 40 Oxley Street Camden
- Larkin Place car park, Camden
- Onslow Park car parks (off Cawdor Road and Mitchell Streets, Camden)
- Narellan Library, 19 Queen Street Narellan
- Coghill Reserve and Community Centre car parks (off Queen and Elyard Streets, Narellan)
- Camden Council and Library, 70 Central Avenue Oran Park
School Parking
Both the beginning and end of the school day are busy times for pedestrians and drivers outside schools.
Tips for safe parking and driving in a school zone:
- Drop your child off and pick them up on the school side of the road
- Never call out to them from across the road - it is very dangerous
- Always take extra care in 40km school zones
- Follow all parking signs - these help keep your child as safe as possible
- Park responsibly even if it means you have to walk further to the school gate
- Never double park - it is illegal and puts children at risk
- Never do a U-turn or a three-point turn outside the school as it puts children at risk of harm
- Model safe and considerate pedestrian and driver behaviours to your child
- Always give way to pedestrians, particularly when entering and leaving driveways.
Council regularly monitors parking around school zones as a part of Council’s School Safety Program and for Community and Road Safety.
For more information on how Council respond to regulatory matters refer to Council's Environment & Regulatory Services Enforcement Policy.
Abandoned Vehicles
Having an unregistered vehicle on a road or road-related area is illegal.
Check a vehicle's registration details here
If you believe that a vehicle has been abandoned or dumped in your neighbourhood and you don’t know where the owner lives, you can report it to Council:
Contact Council's Customer Service Team on 13 22 63 or online.
You'll need to provide the following:
- Exact location;
- Make, model and colour of the vehicle; and
- Number plate (if available).
Council Rangers investigate each report of an abandoned vehicle by:
- Checking if the vehicle is registered and/or stolen;
- Attempting to contact the last known owner to move the vehicle;
- Regularly monitoring the vehicle until we hear from the owner; and
- Removing the vehicle if the owner takes no action.
This process can take an extended period, depending on the vehicle's registration status.
We place an orange abandoned vehicle sticker on the windscreen or windows, to let the community know the vehicle is being investigated.
Parking Road Rules
Let’s face it; no one likes getting a parking fine.
Parking rules in NSW are designed to stop vehicles from parking where it is unsafe or inconvenient for other road users.
Parking safely | NSW Government
Ensure you park legally, safely, and considerately, here’s a reminder of Camden's most common problem behaviours;
- Not parallel parking in the direction of travel
- Stopping on a path/strip
- Stopping across a driveway
- Not parallel parking with a 3m clear road alongside
- Stopping within 10m of an intersection
- Disobeying a 'No Parking sign'
Ongoing Parking Problems
If parking problems are reported to Council, actions may include:
- Monitoring the area over a period of time;
- Contacting the owner of the vehicle;
- Conducting a mailout with a parking educational brochure to the affected area; and/or
- Issuing fines.
Immediately attending isn’t always possible; in many instances, the vehicle has already moved.
Council's action will vary on the location and nature of the ongoing parking problem.
If you are experiencing ongoing parking problems, contact Council's Customer Service Team at 13 22 63 or Online.
The more information you provide, the better we can respond:
- the exact location
- the make, model and colour of the vehicle
- the number plate (if available)
- Various vehicles - the address of the premises they are attending
Parking Fines
The NSW Police and authorised Council Rangers may issue fines for offences under the Australian Road Rules.
To pay a fine:
- Visit Pay a fine Service NSW
- Phone 1300 138 118
- Pay in person at any Australia Post Office or Service NSW Centre.
To request a review of a fine:
- Visit Service NSW fines online
- Phone 1300 138 118
Revenue NSW is the independent authority that considers all requests for review of fines issued by Council. This process ensures that all appeals are considered fairly and that outcomes are consistent.
You can request a review if you:
- Believe there is an error
- Special circumstances contributed to the offence
A request to review a fine may be made to Revenue NSW online. Request a review online or in writing, addressed to:
Revenue NSWPO Box 786
Strawberry Hills NSW 2012
Supply as much information to Revenue NSW as possible to support your claim, including photos if available. This is important as Revenue NSW was not present at the time of the alleged offence, nor are they aware of your personal circumstances.
Revenue NSW will adjudicate on the matter and, if necessary, communicate with Council if additional information is required.
If you do not receive a favourable response from Revenue NSW concerning your review, you may be able to elect to have the matter heard at the Local Court. It is suggested you seek your own legal advice.
Report a Parking Sign
Parking signs convey directions for safe and convenient parking. They benefit all road users, including pedestrians.
If you see confusing, faulty or damaged parking signs on a major road, you can report it to Service NSW Report a Parking Sign - Service NSW
For example; Camden Valley Way and The Northern Road.
If you see confusing, faulty or damaged parking signs on a local street, Contact Council's Customer Service Team at 13 22 63 or Online.
Report Unsafe Parking
Council monitors the local area to encourage people to park safely and comply with parking restrictions. Parking restrictions ensure fair access to on-street and Council free car parking for as many drivers as possible.
If you see a car parked unsafely or contrary to a parking sign, Contact Council's Customer Service Team at 13 22 63 or Online.
The more information you provide, the better we can respond:
- the exact location
- the make, model and colour of the vehicle
- the number plate (if available)
We must have evidence of the offence being committed to take regulatory action.
For more information on how Council respond to regulatory matters refer to Council's Environment & Regulatory Services Enforcement Policy.
For more information, contact Council's Customer Service Team on 13 22 63 or online.