Invest in Accommodation

 The Camden LGA is uniquely positioned as a rapidly growing economy during a period of transformation in the Western Parkland City. Camden is well-placed to leverage off Western Sydney’s catalytic growth and development.

Opportunities exist for current accommodation owners and new investors to capitalise on the potential of the new Western Sydney International Airport and the Aerotropolis to deliver over 1,700 potential accommodation rooms in Camden LGA over the next 20 years. 

Take a look at our Accommodation Prospectus to discover:

→ Top reasons to invest in accommodation in Camden
→ Our Visitor Economy snapshot 
→ Accommodation trends
→ Demand drivers 
→ Our current accommodation supply
→ Future demand and gaps assessment 
→ Opportunities for supportable rooms and potential locations

View our Prospectus below

If you have any questions or would like to receive further details about the Camden Accommodation Study please contact the Economy & Place Team at or 13 22 63.