Terms & Conditions

Thank you for your interest in Alan Baker Art Gallery’s Public Program. Our Public Program offers a series of creative workshops for children and adults that teach traditional skills found within Alan Baker’s practice, while encouraging participants to explore a variety of materials, techniques and styles across drawing, painting and mixed media. Facilitators at Alan Baker Art Gallery are trained and experienced local artists and art teachers that have invaluable knowledge to share. Camden Council supports Alan Baker Art Gallery to make our Public Program affordable and accessible to the community, offering extremely good value.

Class sizes are limited. If you are unable to secure a place in one of our workshops, please sign up to the waiting list and our mailing list at bit.ly/abagmailinglist to assist with extending the program. Alan Baker Art Gallery supports other services and can recommend alternate classes to meet needs such as disability, therapy, craft, or ceramics.


Terms & Conditions:

  • Fees and Charges are set by Council, reviewed annually.
  • Workshops require a minimum of 10 participants to proceed.
  • If the minimum number of participants is not met, a notification of cancellation will be emailed and the booking automatically rolled over to the next scheduled session.
  • All contact with ticketholders will be via the email provided on booking.
  • All enquiries are to be emailed to alanbakerartgallery@camden.nsw.gov.au.
  • Parents and guardians must remain on site for the full duration of children's workshops, including Art After School, School Holiday Workshops and Pop-Up Programs.


Cancellation Policy:

Pop-Up Program:

  • In the case that you are no longer able to attend a Pop-Up Workshop, another person is permitted to attend in your place.
  • A refund will only be provided for cancellations made no less than 1 week prior to the booked workshop session.
  • In the event of Alan Baker Art Gallery cancelling the class, a full refund will be provided.

Term Program:

  • Term fees are non-refundable. By registering for a term class (4 or 8-week program), you are committing to all associated fees for the full duration.
  • In the event you are unable to attend a class, fees will not be reduced, refunded or credited.
  • Withdrawing from a full-term course during the term is permitted; however, a minimum of 21-days' notice is required and fees for classes during that period will apply.
  • Cancellation administration fees may apply.
  • Occasional transfer of class may be required due to injury or illness. Please contact Gallery staff to discuss availability. All requests will be considered based on capacity to accommodate.
  • Any request to cancel, transfer, withdraw or permanently change class are to be emailed to alanbakerartgallery@camden.nsw.gov.au for consideration. Whilst every effort will be made to accommodate, size and availability will determine capacity. Administration fees may apply.
  • While the Alan Baker Art Gallery was registered as a Creative Kids voucher provider in 2023, it is no longer registered as an Active and Creative Kids voucher provider. The Active and Creative kids' vouchers cannot be applied to the Term Program at this stage.