

Planning Controls

Council assesses development applications (DAs) in accordance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021.

Section 4.15(1) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 provides a framework for the assessment of DAs with the key considerations being:

  • Adopted and draft environmental planning instruments.
  • Development control plans.
  • Voluntary planning agreements.
  • The likely impacts of development and the suitability of the proposed site.
  • Public submissions and the public interest.

Environmental planning instruments and development control plans are some of the key planning controls against which DAs are assessed. These form a hierarchy of planning control which is shown below:


DAs are assessed against the applicable planning controls at all levels in the above hierarchy. The key planning controls for the Camden local government area are available on the Planning Controls webpage.

Tracking Assessment Progress

You can view the assessment progress of a DA by using the Camden Application Tracker.

Requests for Additional Information

Following the assessment of a DA, including the consideration of all public submissions, Council may request the submission of additional information and/or amended plans. Applicants are encouraged to contact the Council officer assessing the DA to discuss any questions regarding the requested information. All additional information applicants provide to Council must be submitted via the Planning Portal.


Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if a development does not fully comply with an environmental planning instrument or a development control plan?

Council can determine variations to planning controls however it must be demonstrated that the outcomes sought by the underlying objectives of the planning controls will be achieved notwithstanding the variations. For more information refer to Council’s Varying Planning Controls Factsheet.

How do I make a submission to a DA?

Submissions must be made in writing and addressed to the General Manager. Submissions must also clearly indicate the name and address of the person making the submission, state the relevant DA number, provide a contact telephone number and e-mail address where available and specify the grounds of objection (if any). Submissions can be e-mailed to



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