Sustainable Homes

The decisions we make about sustainability in the home can make a real difference to our impact on the environment. By making your home more sustainable you can save money and live in a healthier, more comfortable home for you and your family today, tomorrow and in the future.

Check out our Built for Comfort program for some great resources and to see if you are eligible for a free home design consultation.

This section provides information on: 

Electrify Everything!

Be part of the clean energy future by moving your home to all-electric!

Heating, cooling, hot water, cooking, and cars can all make the transition to all-electric which is healthy and clean to run. Everyone can enjoy the performance leaps and savings electric appliances bring and by electrifying your household you could save up to 75%* per year on your bills! Electrification does not have to be all at once. Take time to prepare so that when appliances, like hot water, need replacing, you’re ready to make the switch. 

Check out the resources to make your home all-electric:



Switching to a GreenPower electricity plan is your fastest way go renewable, even if you rent or live in an apartment.

It is the only government accredited and audited green energy program and it’s ideal for those who can’t install rooftop solar.

When you opt for a GreenPower electricity plan you’ll help get more electricity from wind and sun made in Australia.

Find out more

Solar with SunSPOT

Do you want to know how much you can save with solar or maybe you’re wondering what the best size solar system is for you, or if it’s time to get a battery? 

The not-for-profit SunSPOT solar calculator has been built by solar engineers at the UNSW for the Australian PV Institute, specifically to help householders and small businesses understand the possibilities and benefits of solar on their rooftop. 

SunSPOT is free and private to use and you won’t be getting any solar sales calls afterwards.

In two minutes you can get an estimate like the example below showing:

  1. your optimal solar system size for the best return on investment;
  2. the cost of the system;
  3. how much the solar system will save you in a year; and
  4. the time for the system to pay for itself in savings.


Where should the solar panels go on the roof?

SunSPOT’s unique mapping feature allows you to find the best position for solar panels on the roof where they will get the most sunshine. You can drag and drop life size rows of panels and add or delete at will to see how many will fit.

How many panels will fit on the roof?

The mapping feature allows you to find out what size system you can fit with the space available on your roof. As you change the size by adding or deleting solar panels, all the savings calculations update. Compare and match a system with your budget.

Will getting a battery increase your savings?

SunSPOT removes the mystery around batteries and costs. You can test 4 common sizes for the savings they’ll could deliver, while also seeing the cost.

SunSPOT is supported by the Australian, NSW and ACT governments and is a project of the Australian PV Institute and UNSW Sydney.

Saving Water

Water is an essential part of life and maintaining a healthy environment. You can help save water by becoming more water wise and following simple Water Wise Guidelines set out by Sydney Water.

Being water efficient in the home requires both smart behaviours and technologies. Some plumbing products have their water efficiency rating displayed on a label. No stars mean the product has poor water efficiency, while 6 stars shows the product is amongst the most efficient.

More information

  • For more information about saving water visit the Sydney Water website.
  • For more information about the Water Wise Guidelines visit the Sydney Water website.
  • For more information about the Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards (WELS) scheme visit the Australian Government’s Water Rating website.

Saving Energy

Spend less on your energy bills without compromising on comfort, by making your home more energy efficient. Energy efficiency simply means using less energy to provide the same service or achieve the same result. It's about doing things smarter, or with improved technology, with no drop in service or your comfort. You use less energy as well as save money and reduce your impact on the environment.

Easy tips to save power around your home

Did you know that the average NSW home produces 8,000 kilograms of carbon pollution every year? There are simple steps you can take around your home to lower your power bills and reduce your impact on our environment.

In the Kitchen

  • Only use the dishwasher when it is full, use the energy-saving setting and let dishes air-dry.
  • Cook with the microwave instead of the stove or oven – a microwave uses less power.
  • Set your fridge at 3°C to 4°C and your freezer at -15°C to -18°C.
  • Keep fridge door seals clean and replace if worn.
  • Keep fridge ventilated, allow room for air to circulate on all sides – don’t overload.
  • Use lids on pots to speed up cooking.
  • When replacing or shopping for a new appliance, like a fridge, look for the Energy Rating label – the more stars the better!

In the Bathroom and Laundry

  • Wash clothes in cold water, they get just as clean.
  • Hang your clothes to dry instead of using the dryer.
  • Install a water efficient shower head and keep your showers to a few minutes – this will reduce the amount of hot water you are using.
  • Fix leaking taps and insulate hot water pipes.

In Living Areas

  • Switch off lights when you leave a room.
  • Switch off TVs, entertainment systems and computers at the power point when you’re not using them – don’t leave them on ‘stand-by’.
  • Use a power board with a switch and make sure you can reach it.
  • Replace old lights in your home with compact fluorescent light globes.

In Winter

  • Close curtains, blinds and doors.
  • Dress in warmer clothing.
  • Set your heating between 18ºC and 21ºC. Each degree warmer can add 15 per cent to your heating bill.
  • Turn off your second fridge.

In Summer

  • Close curtains and blinds during the day.
  • Open windows at night when the temperature has dropped to help clear out hot air.
  • Set your air conditioning between 23°C and 26°C. Even better, use fans instead of air conditioners – or with them – to spread cool air further.


Home Energy Efficiency Kits

You can now borrow a Home Energy Efficiency Kit for FREE from Camden, Oran Park or Narellan Library.

This kit can show you where you use power in your home and suggest simple ideas and actions to use less power, reduce power bills and cut carbon pollution. The Kits include a power meter, compass, thermometers, detailed instructions and other tools and information to help you save power.

More information

For more information about saving energy, visit Energy Made Easy or the NSW Government’s Energy Saver website.

Sustainable Home and Garden

 A sustainable home can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, save water and energy usage, and reduce waste. It provides all the benefits of a typical home but reduces the negative impact on the environment.

A sustainable garden works in harmony with nature. It includes the use of native plants and trees to attract beneficial insects, native birds and animals. These gardens tend to be water-wise with careful consideration of plant selection in relation to local climate, watering needs of plants, soil type and use of mulch. Soils will tend to be healthy and nutrient rich through use of natural fertilisers such as worm castings and compost to help yield a plentiful supply of organic fruit, herbs and vegetables.

Some easy ways you can make your home and garden more environmentally friendly and sustainable are available in the following factsheets:

  • Composting - build a compost heap and turn your garden waste into valuable compost.
  • Wormfarming – save your food scraps from landfill by converting it into fertiliser using a worm farm.
  • Mulching - use mulch to improve your soil, keep them moist and to prevent the growth of weeds.
  • No Dig Vegetable Gardening – grow your own fresh food easily in your backyard - without digging!
  • Are These Weeds in your Backyard? – learn to recognise common weeds and prevent them spreading elsewhere.
  • Create a Native Garden – native gardens need less water, use little fertiliser and are easy to maintain. You can also check out Council’s Native Garden Guide for more information
  • Wildlife and your Backyard – create and maintain a garden to attract native birds and animals.
  • Reuse – reduce waste by using old and unwanted household items to create something new!
  • Water Harvesting – collect the rain on your roof with a rainwater tank to use on the garden.
  • Drip Irrigation – install drip irrigation as an efficient way to water your plants
  • Greywater Reuse – greywater from the laundry can be reused to flush toilets or on your gardens.
  • Solar Energy – consider using renewable energy from the sun to power your home.

Reducing Waste & Recycle

Reducing waste means changing the way we buy, use and then dispose of things. It means looking at the 'life cycle' of a product and questioning whether we really need it to when we think it’s time to throw it out.

Recycling is about managing and saving resources, saving energy and water, reducing pollution and waste.

To find out more visit Council’s Waste Services pages.