Biosecurity alert - Frogbit


Frogbit (Limnobium laevigatum) is a prohibited aquatic weed that has been found at a number of locations across the Camden Local Government Area. It is a floating freshwater plant that can:

  • Rapidly invade and smother waterways;

  • Form dense mats across the surface of waterways;

  • Prevent native water plants from growing;

  • Reduce food and shelter for aquatic animals;

  • Block waterways and irrigation channels; and

  • Increase suitable habitat for mosquito breeding.

Frogbit has several key identifying features including:

  • Bright green, glossy leaves that are usually rounded at the tip;
  • White or greenish-white flowers that are about 13mm wide;
  • Stems that are mostly branched with leaves; and
  • Hairy roots that are firmly anchored in the ground.

Frogbit is a rapidly growing weed that spreads throughout the spring, summer and autumn seasons. It spreads by seeds and the movement of juvenile plants. This can happen from natural water movements and disturbance of the Frogbit mat, including equipment or machinery moving it to new locations. However, the most common cause of spread is from illegal dumping of aquarium or pond plants into waterways, and through uncleaned boat trailers and irrigation equipment.

NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development have categorised this plant as prohibited matter within NSW. This means that persons are not legally allowed to deal with this plant (keep, sell, trade or move) in any manner.

Frogbit is a serious biosecurity threat to Camden’s lakes, creeks, dams and the Nepean River, as well as the rest of New South Wales.

Frogbit and the closely related Spongeplant (Limnobium spongia) are both classified as prohibited matter under the Biosecurity Act 2015 and heavy penalties apply for dealing with this species.

For further information click here.

If seen, the location must be immediately reported to NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development and Camden Council’s Biosecurity Officer on 13 22 63 or email