$50 million for Camden and Campbelltown WestInvest projects

Posted 21 months ago in Community

Westinvest announcement

Camden and Campbelltown residents will benefit from new walking trails and bike tracks, refreshed high streets, an educational animal hub and a huge new sport complex thanks to the $5 billion WestInvest Fund.

Premier Dominic Perrottet, Treasurer Matt Kean, Minister for Western Sydney David Elliott and Minister for Local Government Wendy Tuckerman today announced the City of Campbelltown Council and Camden Council will receive more than $50 million in WestInvest funding for 13 transformational projects.

In Camden, $24 million has been allocated to two projects:

  • $14 million for the Cut Hill Reserve Sports Field Redevelopment project that will renew 18.5 hectares of public open space to deliver new recreation opportunities.
  • $10 million for the Camden Animal Shelter and Community Education Hub project to transform an industrial area into a community-focused shelter.

In Campbelltown, $26 million has been allocated to 11 projects:

  • $7.5 million for the Campbelltown City Centre Transformation project to revitalise the Queen Street precinct with new pedestrian links and event spaces.
  • $3.8 million for Macarthur Recreation Trail – Australian Botanic Garden, Mt Annan to Campbelltown project to enhance the green trail.
  • $2.5 million for the Glenfield Town Beautification project to reinvigorate the city centre and provide a safer, more inviting and engaging environment.
  • $2.3 million for the Connected Campbelltown – A network of shared use pathway links and circuits project to deliver 7.75km of recreation trails
  • $2.2 million for the Hurley Park – Early stories of Campbelltown’s Resilience project to restore one of the last convict-built structures in NSW
  • $1.5 million for the Simmos Beach Parklands – Activating the Upper Georges River project to enhance quality green space and support recreation
  • $1.4 million for the Kanbyugal Parklands – Mountain Bike Park project to convert an underutilised parcel of land into an inclusive mountain bike facility
  • $1.3 million for the Leumeah Youth Precinct project, a vibrant and active hub
  • $1.3 million for the Glenfield Urban Bike Park to deliver a BMX track for more facilities for wheeled activities
  • $977,880 for the St Helens Park Youth Space to deliver four BMX tracks
  • $681,063 for the Outdoor Fitness Facilities Program – For a Fitter Healthier

Campbelltown project to upgrade outdoor fitness equipment at four sites.

Campbelltown City Council will contribute $460,480 towards the Macarthur Recreation Trail and the Simos Beach Parklands projects.

As part of the WestInvest Fund, $2 billion was reserved for priority Community Projects. This included $400 million for 15 Local Government Areas (LGAs) in West and South West Sydney, with each local council eligible for between $20 million and $35 million, depending on population size.

Mr Perrottet said the projects put forward by the Camden and Campbelltown councils would help build a brighter future for the people of Western Sydney.

“The Cut Hill Reserve Sports Field Redevelopment project will renew 18.5ha of green space with two double playing fields to support the many nearby sporting codes including archery, AFL, soccer, rugby and cricket clubs,” Mr Perrottet said.

Mr Kean said the Connected Campbelltown project will deliver 7.75km of new recreation links between key open spaces in highly populated areas to allow more locals to get active.

“The Macarthur Recreation Trail project will build on existing links to connect Camden CBD, through the Australian Botanic Garden Mt Annan, to Campbelltown Train Station and CBD via Bow Bowing Creek, Western Sydney University and Macarthur Station,” Mr Kean said.

Mrs Tuckerman said the Camden Animal Shelter and Community Education Hub project in Smeaton Grange will transform an industrial works depot into a sustainable animal shelter.

“Councils have responsibility for pounds and animal shelters, so this project will set a new national standard for sustainable shelter design, embody shelter medicine principles and
have a significant focus on community outreach.”

Mr Elliott said the funding for Simmos Beach Parklands will enhance the popular spot along the upper Georges River Corridor.

“The project will deliver viewing decks to ensure Simmos beach parklands remains a favourite destination to relax, exercise and cool down in summer,” Mr Elliott said.

Member for Camden Peter Sidgreaves said it is great to see WestInvest delivering community projects for Camden, Macarthur and Western Sydney.

“These projects are fast tracking council projects that support the local residents in our communities,” Mr Sidgreaves said.

Camden Mayor Therese Fedeli said the council is grateful the NSW Government is supporting it in delivering such key facilities and spaces.

“The Camden Animal Shelter and Education Hub will create employment, volunteer and partnership opportunities for our community and the Cut Hill Reserve project will extend the space’s capacity for use for new and existing users,” Cr Fedeli said.

Campbelltown Mayor George Greiss said his council is looking forward to getting the work underway to deliver 11 great projects across the city.

“Our community has told us that they want more greenery and active spaces in our public domain that respect and honour the heritage of our region,” Cr Greiss said.

“These projects reflect those community aspirations while increasing connectivity across the city, delivering recreation and lifestyle benefits for our new communities and also
embellishing established suburbs.”


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