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Celebrate NAIDOC in the Camden area

Camden Council is set to honour Australia's rich Indigenous heritage with its celebration of NAIDOC Week, featuring a variety of events and activities to engage the community in learning about...
CC Nepean River Trail Official Opening 16 6 24 Brett Atkins 2024 5

Nepean River Trail Officially Opens

On Sunday 16 June, the Camden community celebrated the highly anticipated opening of the Nepean River Trail.
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Share your thoughts on John Street, Camden

In 2017, Camden Council undertook an extensive consultation process to guide the development of the Camden Town Centre Urban Design Framework (UDF).
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New operator announced for Council’s aquatic and leisure centres

Camden Council is pleased to announce BlueFit has been selected for the management and operation of Mount Annan Leisure Centre, Camden War Memorial Pool and the soon to open, $63...

Successful grant funding to support Camden initiatives

Camden has been successful in obtaining grants for the Saving our Species (SoS) and Open Streets Program from the NSW Government, both initiatives with a commitment to keep Camden flourishing.
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Playspace Strategy

Council is calling for residents to provide input into a Playspace Strategy which will guide the creation and maintenance of playspaces across the Camden area.

Camden receives exceptional results on resident and employee surveys

Customer and employee survey data has confirmed that Camden Council is excelling in service delivery and community satisfaction.

Volunteering opportunities on display

Want to contribute to your community but don’t know where to start? Never fear! Council is partnering with AGL to host Camden’s first ever Volunteer Expo this May.This FREE program...
Camden Careers Expo 2024 Social Media Tiles

Camden Careers Expo

Young people and jobseekers, don’t miss your opportunity to explore a range of exciting careers available at the upcoming Camden Careers Expo!Now in its third year, the expo is proudly...