Draft plan to build more affordable rental housing in Camden
Posted 12 hours ago
Camden Council has placed a new draft contribution scheme on public exhibition to provide more affordable rental housing locally.
The draft Western Sydney Regional Affordable Housing Contribution Scheme, prepared by the Western Sydney Planning Partnership (WSPP) with input from five Western Sydney councils, proposes contributions on certain new developments to assist in funding the
construction of new affordable rental housing.
The draft Scheme is on public exhibition until 7 April 2025, allowing community feedback on whether or not this draft Scheme should be adopted in the Camden Local Government Area before a final decision is made.
Mayor of Camden, Cr Ashleigh Cagney, encouraged members of the community to share their thoughts.
"Housing affordability is a growing challenge in Camden and across Sydney," she said. "I urge residents and stakeholders to share their feedback on this draft Scheme to address this issue during the public exhibition period."
Affordable rental housing provides lower-cost accommodation managed by not-for-profit housing providers. It is intended for essential workers, apprentices, single income families, pensioners, and others on very low, low and moderate incomes who need temporary or long-term support.
If the Scheme is adopted by Council, it would apply across the Camden Local Government Area (LGA), with contributions required at development approval for residential subdivisions, multi-unit housing, and major retail, commercial, and industrial developments over 1,000sqm.
Funds would be allocated to not-for-profit housing providers to build and maintain affordable rental housing, with safeguards in place to ensure affordable rental housing built under this Scheme is retained for existing and future generations.
For more information or to make a submission, visit http://yourvoice.camden.nsw.gov.au/draft-western-sydney-affordable-rental-housing-contribution-scheme.