Camden Libraries offer online program

Posted 4 years ago

Library 3

Local children now have a raft of activities to take part in from home with Camden Libraries announcing an exciting program this week.

Camden Libraries have been closed since the COVID-19 stay at home order in Greater Sydney, but staff have not left their members and guests alone with a range of activities on its website, including:

  • Holidays at home activities for primary aged children;
  • Holidays at home activities for high school aged children;
  • eResources;
  • Storytime on Camden Libraries Facebook on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays from 11am; and
  • Building block challenges for all ages on Camden Libraries Facebook and much more.

Mayor of Camden, Cr Therese Fedeli, said the program was set up to help parents and children throughout the pandemic.

“Under normal conditions, I am incredibly proud of the services and help our libraries provide the community” Cr Fedeli said.

“Under these difficult conditions, I am even more proud.

“Our libraries offer people free access to a wealth of information and they run some fantastic groups and activities and, while it’s a shame we can physically enjoy them at the moment, we definitely don’t have to miss out on the experience completely. The online program and resources are a great way to keep the kids both educated and entertained.

“I encourage the community to visit the Camden Libraries website and take advantage of what is on offer.”

For more information, go to


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