Camden welcomes new Mayor
Posted 22 months ago
Cr Ashleigh Cagney was elected Mayor of Camden at last week’s Ordinary Council Meeting.
Mayor Cagney said she was honoured to be elected the 35th Mayor of Camden.
“The absolute honour that it is being elected Mayor of this amazing place has not been lost on me,” she said.
“I am confident that with the mindset of always putting the people of Camden first and with ultimate dedication, the legacy of this Council under my leadership will be a chapter in Camden’s history that people will look back on fondly.”
Mayor Cagney, who lives in Currans Hill with her husband John and four children, said she was active in the community through her involvement with Camden Rotary, Camden Youth Council and Camden Rotary’s Relay for Life Committee. She is also a board member of the Macarthur Football Association and South West Sydney Academy of Sport.
“Without a doubt, Camden’s greatest strength would have to be our community spirit. Our commitment to one another is something to rival and is evident in every challenge that has been thrown our way,” she said.
“The people of Camden show great tenacity in times of trouble and equally know how to celebrate all there is to celebrate about this incredible part of the world.
“For however long my tenure as Mayor lasts, I can promise one thing and that is that I will work tirelessly to serve my community that has given so much to me and my family.”
Previous Mayor, Cr Therese Fedeli was elected Deputy Mayor.
“I’d like to thank Cr Fedeli for her four years as Mayor. It has been an honour to receive her guidance as we tackled the challenging circumstances of bushfires, floods and COVID-19,” Mayor Cagney said. “I look forward to continuing to work with her as our Deputy Mayor, as well as my fellow Councillors.”